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English Springer Spaniel Description, History and Temperament

  • 15/11/2010

Description: The English Springer Spaniel is a medium sized, compact and robust dog. Their coat is medium-long in with feathering on the legs, body and tail. The show and field dogs can look very different, show dogs have much longer fur and much more feathering and also have longer ears. They can stand up to 18-20 inches and weigh between 50-55 lbs, field dogs however often weigh less and are finer boned. They can come in many coat colors and those are, blue or liver roan, black or liver with white marks, or white with black or liver markings. You can also get tri-colored, black and white or liver and white with tan markings.

History. English Springer Spaniels can be traced back to Spain in the 1500's. During this time all the Spaniels were grouped together in the same breed type and the same litters could produce more than one type of spaniel. It wasn't until 1902 thanks to careful selective breeding that they were recognized as their own breed in the UK, it was later, in 1927 that the AKC recognised them as their own breed. They were developed originally for springing the game for the net while hunting. They are nowadays used as gun dogs to find and retrieve game, they are also used as sniffer dogs, as their sense of smell is impeccable.

Temperament. The English Springer Spaniel is a dog that loves to please and is very affectionate, they are also sociable and highly intelligent. They are easily trained thanks to the fact that they are obedient, willing, and quick learners. They do, however, need clear structure and clear rules set out for them, without clear guidelines and plenty of mental, and physical, exercise they can become frustrated and mischievous. They are also prone to becoming rather destructive and to bark a lot if left alone for too long.

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