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Dalmatians As a Family Pet

  • 01/11/2010


Description: With an athletic build and distinctive spotted white coat, the Dalmatian is a dog that is easily recognized and known worldwide. Built for endurance and stamina, it is easy to see with a deep chest and long muscular legs, the Dalmatian running beside horses and carriages of times past. The Dalmatian is a dog like no other, in appearance and temperament.

Characteristics: The Dalmatian is a lovely dog, full of good spirit and cheer. They are quiet and polite, a real well mannered gentleman, an a wonderful addition to the right household.

This is a very athletic dog and loves to play and needs a family of a similar disposition. Best for someone who has experience with dogs and is as active as they are. They make an excellent choice for those who enjoy bicycling, jogging, hiking or even horseback riding. An ill exercised Dalmatian is an unhappy, ill behaved Dalmatian.

They can be a bit stubborn and some can be high strung, but they are intelligent and easily trainable, if done in a positive reward focused way. The Dalmatian a loyal and protective dog, who makes a good family protector.

The Dalmatian makes a wonderful friend for children but care should be taken when around toddlers as they can be quite enthusiastic in play and may accidentally knock them over. They get along well with other household pets and especially love horses but some can be belligerent with strange dogs.

Origins: As the names suggests, the Dalmatian comes from Dalmatia, which is a region of Croatia. An old breed, who has been known in Europe since at least the Middle ages.

Special needs: Dalmatians need three major things, early and ongoing socialization and training and daily exercise. Without these three things they can easily become a high strung dog, who is given to destructive bad behavior and aggression. Dogs who don't get proper socialization as puppies can suffer from fear aggression which is one of the hardest conditions to help a dog through.

-The Dalmatian's usual life span is about 12-14 years
- Like any dog who is predominantly white, the Dalmatian is prone to deafness, it is estimated that about 30% of all Dalmatians have some sort of hearing problem. When buying a puppy be sure to check his hearing.
- Despite a short coat, the Dalmatian sheds daily all year long.
- A very clean dog, who has basically no doggie odour.
- Due to their popularity because of television and movies, it's a breed that has been badly bred by unscrupulous people just trying to make a quick buck. Perspective owners need to pick their breeder carefully, look for one that cares about the betterment of the breed and offers a health guarantee.

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