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Considering the American Cocker Spaniel As a Pet

  • 25/10/2010

When searching for a dog as a pet there a number of general qualities an individual will typically require. These qualities normally include friendliness, good behavior in the presence of other dogs, gentleness in regards to young children, and a sense of loyalty towards their master. If these characteristics sound similar to the vision of owning a dog, then some consideration should be given to the American Cocker Spaniel.

From a personality standpoint, the American Cocker Spaniel meets all the general requirements of an obedient, loyal and loving pet. This breed has a casual demeanor unmatched by a variety other types of dogs. In addition, the American Cocker Spaniel is known for their trustworthy behavior pertaining to young children making them a wonderful family pet. You will be hard pressed to discover your American Cocker Spaniel in a quarrel with another dog as well.

For individuals who live alone, these dogs are arguably one of the best. They are undeniably loyal to their master and can be a delight to obedience train. American Cocker Spaniels are however, known for being energetic and do require regular exercise both indoors and out. Therefore, an individual who enjoys being outside and active will fit the personality of the American Cocker Spaniel much better than someone who is less active. The most unfortunate trait about this breed relates to their physical health.

Due to their popularity, this breed has been subject to a variety of unprofessional breeding such as that of puppy mills and backyard breeders. As a result, a number of health disorders have plagued these dogs such as glaucoma, anemia related diseases, and cardiac problems. For this reason, it is best to obtain this animal from a reputable breeder and to have it thoroughly examined by a vet prior to purchase or adoption.

Regardless of their physical health conditions, the American Cocker Spaniel is a wonderful dog for anyone searching for a family or personal pet. These dogs need the proper care from loving people who are willing to provide a quality living environment. There is a variety of information available about this breed that is worth viewing when considering the possibility of making these dogs your own. Please take the time to search various websites, articles (such as this), and books available at your local library in order to properly research this breed prior to purchase or adoption.

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