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Consider Border Collie Training Before Getting a Border Collie

  • 31/10/2010

A lot of people believe that border collie training can be very easy considering that this breed is known as one of the most intelligent of all dogs. But little did they know that the intelligence itself is what makes the training difficult. The breed can pick up a certain command in a few tries however, your lack of consistency can confuse them in various ways. Being a very perceptive breed that loves to think, a collie can easily determine inconsistencies in every command. Like if you originally used cheerful tone when training your dog to come to you, the next time you give the command must be as cheerful as it else he will think that you are using an entirely new command he haven't learned yet.

A collie can learn many tricks depending on the owner's persistence, consistency and understanding on how it is to train an overly intelligent herding dog. Owners should understand that border collie training is like training a geeky and nerdy kid who sees things far beyond other normal kids can see.

Border collies are popular not only because of their intelligence but also because of their remarkable working ability and herding instinct. Given an eligible human handler, this breed can greatly help in herding all kinds of animals such as sheep, cattle, ostriches and pigs. A border collie may even herd a child, yes your kid, should the situation calls for it. It is already a part of their genetic makeup. You cannot teach a collie to strengthen his herding instincts if he does not have enough of it, neither teach him not to herd because he is not intended to become a household pet instead of working in the farm.

The instinct, if present, can be so strong that nobody can get rid of it from your pet regardless of successful border collie training. Even if he is reliably trained with important basic commands such as sit, stay, down or come, once the instinct kicks in, you cannot stop this energetic breed from doing what he believed he needs to do. Seeing a car passing by or your three-year old running past him can trigger his herding instinct. He may run after the car or your kid thinking that he needs to prevent them from escaping. And you will surely not like the result should the incident gets worse - your beloved pooch hit by a car or your kid bitten by a supposed family member.

Some facts about this breed may sound awful but those things should not prompt you to say negative things about them because they are not vicious kind that you should be scared of. Generally, they are intelligent, workaholic and energetic dogs that need understanding in addition to consistent and appropriate border collie training.

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