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Common German Shepherd Issues

  • 15/01/2011

German Shepherds are no different to other dog breeds where over years they have tended to develop conditions that seem more prevalent in their particular breed compared to others.

Problems that could affect your dog:

Arthritis: this breed has been around for many generations and as a result they occasionally are line bred which means they are mated with distant relatives. Hip dysplasia, which predisposes to arthritis has developed as a consequence of this line breeding and is now a common genetic trait amongst this breed and other large breed dogs. A consultation with you local Vet will tell you more.

The symptoms of arthritis include reduced range of movement of the joint, lameness often worse after exercise. Your local Vet can advise of appropriate treatment options.

Skin Allergies: Skin allergies are very common and symptoms may not manifest until your dog is 3 years of age. Allergens your dog could be allergic to are plentiful and include some foods as well as many different types of plant pollens. To determine the exact cause of your dog's allergies you will need the help of your local Vet.

Due to their sometimes aggressive nature German Shepherds are often used to work as guard dogs or in the police force. This aggression can become very problematic for domestic dogs and needs to be dealt with immediately.

Aggression is a complex problem and in order to train it out of your dog you need to determine the root cause. If you are unsure on how to proceed then you should a professional trainer.

Jumping up on people can also be a big problem with this breed because of the danger of somebody gettng hurt. Jumping needs to be dealt with before your dog gets too big and hurts a small child or an elderly person.

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