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Chihuahua Health Problems To Be Aware Of

  • 01/11/2010

When you decide it is time to bring a Chihuahua into your family you are going to need to know what to expect in the way of common Chihuahua health problems so you know what to look out for and what symptoms to look for. Some problems the Chihuahua is born with and others are developed over time. But you should never hesitate to get your Chihuahua to the vet if you think something may be wrong or if you think emergency medical care for your Chihuahua is necessary.

Before you bring your Chihuahua home have a long talk with your vet about what health issues to expect from your new dog and also discuss identifying the symptoms. If you have normal behavior explained to you and then you are given the warning signs to look for you are better equipped to help your dog should something happen. Your breeder should also send you home with a great deal of information about what to watch for with your new dog and how to identify any prospective health issues.

Chihuahua health problems are like any other breed's problems in that some will appear right when they are born and other conditions take time to develop or can be contracted over time. One condition of the Chihuahua is weak leg tendons and ligaments that cause the kneecap to float in and out of place on the dog's leg. This can be very painful and if you notice that your Chihuahua is having difficulty walking at times then this could be the source of the problem and it requires medical attention for your Chihuahua from the vet immediately.

When male Chihuahua pups are born their testicles are up in their abdomen. Almost right after birth a healthy male Chihuahua will have its testicles drop from the abdomen and if it doesn't happen at birth then it needs to happen by the time they reach adulthood. If you notice that this trait is lacking in your Chihuahua then you will want to get them to the vet right away, as this is the sign of a very serious health issue that your vet will want to take care of as soon as possible.

Some Chihuahua health problems you can see coming and some you cannot. Some health issues are difficult to see yet can be very dangerous if they are left untreated. The brain in any animal constantly has fluid going to and from it and in a Chihuahua that flow of fluid can sometimes get blocked causing a swelling on the brain. This is an extremely serious health issue and can sometimes be found by your vet during a regular appointment. It is a good idea to monitor your Chihuahua's health in between regularly scheduled appointments because you never know what can happen.

Many toy breeds of dog can get crystal in their urine and this can cause a blockage and major health issues. A Chihuahua shares this potential condition with the other toy breeds but some health issues are exclusive to the Chihuahua. You never know and that is why regular vet appointments are so very important to the health of your dog.

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