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Characteristics of Bulldog Pups

  • 19/06/2013

Bulldogs have over the years lost their reputation as the ferocious animals that were used to bait bulls some centuries ago. The modern bulldog is a friendly dog that makes a great house companion and gets along well with children.

Bulldogs pups are adorable, alert and curious animals, characteristics that are true for most pups. When small these pups will commonly have a pink muzzle that will darken as the puppy matures into an adult. The pup's wrinkles are also not as distinct but with age they will become more pronounced.

Bulldogs pups need a lot of rest, It is important that your puppy gets adequate napping time; this is good for his development. A sleep deprived bulldog pup will be less active and may not grow to his optimum.

These pups love to explore their surroundings. Their curiosity makes them want to check out new things and the environment around them. Bulldog pups need to be under a watchful gaze as they may wander into some unwanted places. Bulldogs love to chew, the teething phase in pups especially is very uncomfortable and the puppy may chew more at this time to try and ease the discomfort. Provide the puppy with chew toys or massage his gums to ease the discomfort.

Training bulldog pups takes time and a lot of patience. Tasks such as house training or housebreaking the puppy may take you a while to achieve. These pups respond well to praise and will love attention, most trainers and bulldog owners use this to their advantage. Every time the dog shows progress or acts in a desired way, they are rewarded with treats. Consistency is also necessary during training.

Bulldog pups are very gentle and affectionate. They are not aggressive towards other humans or animals and are not likely to get into fights. The pups will be very playful but they tend to tire easily. They shouldn't be engaged in extreme exercise.

Bulldog pups have big heads which is a characteristic of the breed. The size of the head is usually the reason why most bulldog pups are delivered via caesarean section since it is difficult for the dam to push them through the birth canal and may cause rupture of the organ. They have a wide face with a very short muzzle; this is the cause of the many problems that bulldogs suffer from.

Pups will commonly snort when sleeping and at times when awake. This is due to shortened air passages and the fact that during inspiration the soft palate may be drawn into the larynx irritating it or obstructing it. They are also intolerant to heat and should never be left out in summer or in closed cars. Pups should be transported in air conditioned crates to prevent complications.

The bulldog pups will do well in homes with children and adapt well to change. However children need to learn to play nice with the pups when they are little as anxiety and stress may cause them to react badly. These pups seek attention and love being in the spotlight.

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