
Bloat in Dogs

Gastric Dilatation Volvulus (GDV) can occur in any dog at any age but most often occurs in middle-aged and older, deep-breasted, midsize to large dogs such as Akita, Basset Hound, Bloodhound, Chinese Shar-Pei, Collie, German Shepherd, Great Da...

Demodectic Mange In Dogs And Why It's So Common

If you're wondering why demodectic mange in dogs is so common then keep reading. Demodex mange can affect both dogs or cats. Most people believe that mange in dogs is often contagious. This is not the case. Demodectic mange in dogs is not cont...

Demodectic Mange: The 4 Most Important Questions You Should Ask

Demodectic mange is one of two different types of a skin problem called mange, which affects dogs around the world. The demodectic type may look like the milder version of the two, but it doesn't mean that it can be taken lightly - if spotted ...

Epileptic Dog - Side Effects of One Drug Therapy

Phenobarbital is a drug that helps to control idiopathic seizures with the success rate of 60%-80%. After your dogs starts the drug treatment, make sure you do the blood test after about 2 weeks into the drug therapy and then no later than eve...

Dog Seizures Treatment

Many dog owners are heart-broken seeing their pets go through epileptic attacks and wonder about the best ways to help their pets. Fortunately, there are some medications (drugs) that are quite effective in bringing seizures under control. One...

Dogs and Diabetes: What You Need To Know

It often surprises dog owners just how much a like dogs and humans can be; they share many degenerative problems, especially as they creep into older age. Such a problem might be diabetes. Much like in humans, there are two types of dog diabet...

Canine Urinary Incontinence

You have started to notice that Patty is 'leaking' on the carpets. Unsure what else to do and knowing she's up in years, you assume she is getting senile and suddenly she is spending more time outdoors while you debate whether she should be pu...

Best Medications To Use When Controlling Pain And Inflammation For Dogs

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) medications are the pillars for controlling pain and inflammation for dogs. Many people see these types of medications as safe, because so many of them are available over the counter and for human consum...

Dealing With Lyme Disease in Dogs

When not treated promptly and correctly, the damage caused by Lyme disease in your dog can be serious. And so, when you suspect that your dog has Lyme disease, you need to immediately follow these steps in order to help it. To do your part, i...

Bloat: What You Need To Know About This Serious Emergency

Bloat is one of the most serious health conditions that can affect your dog, and it is imperative that you know what it is and how to recognise it. In this article you will find exactly what bloat, (otherwise known as gastric dilation and volvulu...