Ibizan Hound

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  • Photo 11 of 16Ibizan Hound

  • Photo 12 of 16Ibizan Hound

  • Photo 13 of 16Ibizan Hound

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  • Photo 15 of 16Ibizan Hound

  • Photo 16 of 16Ibizan Hound

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Ibizan Hound Breeders

Ibizan Hound Clubs/Associations

The Full Ibizan Hound Description

Ibizans are strong and healthy dogs. They are fast, and they can jump fences from a standing position. They are adaptable and affectionate family pets. Their coats are red, white, or some red-and-white combination. Ibizan hounds can have longer wiry coats and bushy moustaches.

Did you know?

Phoenician sailors are said to have brought these dogs to the island of Ibiza in the eighth century. Hannibal, himself an Ibizan, took some of these dogs with him on his famous trip across the Alps.
Ibizan Hound history is traceable back to approximately 3400 B.C.

So you want to own an Ibizan Hound?

Ibizan Hounds are very neat dogs who clean themselves much like cats.
Ibizan Hounds require a great deal of exercise and should only be allowed off leash in a fenced in area. They are very agile dogs, able to jump great heights from a standstill. It is recommended that Ibizan Hound owners have fences at least 6' in height.
The Ibizan Hound is even-tempered, affectionate, loyal, and friendly, and makes an excellent family pet.

Indicative Breed Standard


General Appearance

Tall, narrow, finely built, large erect ears.


Agile, tireless, controlled hunter. Retrieves to hand, has ability to jump great heights without take-off run.


Reserved with strangers, not nervous or aggressive. Dignified, intelligent and independent.

Head and Skull

Fine, long, flat skull with prominent occipital bone. Stop not well defined, slightly convex muzzle, length of which from eyes to tip of nose equals length from eyes to occiput. Nose flesh coloured, should protrude beyond teeth, jaws very strong and lean.


Clear amber, expressive. Almond-shaped; not prominent, large or round.


Large, thin, stiff, highly mobile, erect when dog is alert, in a continuous line with arch of neck when viewed in profile; base set on level with eyes. Drop ears unacceptable.


Perfectly even white teeth; scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws. Thin lips with no dewlap.


Very lean, long, muscular and slightly arched.


Rather steep, short shoulder blades, long straight legs, erect pasterns of good length.


Level back sloping slightly from the pin bones to rump. Long, flat ribcage. Short coupled with well tucked-up waist, breast bone very prominent. Depth measured between bottom of ribcage and elbow 7-8 cms (21/2-3 ins).


Long, strong, straight and lean, no great angulation, long second thigh, turning neither in nor out.


Well arched toes, thick pads, light coloured claws. Front feet may turn slightly outwards. Dewclaws should not be removed in front. No hind dewclaws.


Long, thin, low set, reaching well below the hock; when passed between legs and round flank reaches spine; may be carried high when excited, but not
curled within itself or low over back.


A suspended trot, which is a long far-reaching stride, with a slight hover before placing foot to ground.


Smooth or rough always hard, close, dense. Longer under tail and at back of legs. Hunting scars should not be penalised.


White, chestnut or lion solid colour, or any combination of these.


In country of origin varies between 56 and 74 cms (22-29 ins), but balance is overriding factor.

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