Great Dane Breed Articles

Health Issues Concerning Great Danes

The Great Dane, also known as the Apollo of Dogs, is one of the largest breed of dogs. This short-haired, mild-mannered and people-oriented breed makes a great family dog for those who don't mind having a large pet around the house. The only negat...

How Owning A Great Dane Is Affected By Its Personality

There are some breeds that are instantly recognizable. The Great Dane is one of those: its powerful, yet never clumsy, form makes it the target of much admiration. Of course, it's more than the Dane's robust build that makes it so easy to spot; it...

Thinking of Getting a Great Dane?

Families with very small children should probably not get a Great Dane. These gentle, yet massive dogs may unintentionally knock toddlers down and hurt them. Adults too, need to be aware of the power in a wagging tail belonging to a happy Dane. In...

Essential Tips You Need to Know About Feeding a Great Dane

You can't feed a Great Dane just any dog food. If you do, chances are you're headed for trouble. As a giant breed dog, Great Danes have unique needs and if you don't provide the correct diet and the correct portions, your vet bills are likely to b...

Your Great Dane Puppy

Try to be enthusiastic. Training puppies can be exhausting, but motivate yourself to be patient with your great dane puppy. Puppies are just like human babies! They

The Noble Great Dane

Wild boars used to roam in the wilds of Europe many centuries ago. In those days the titled land-owners cherished the large dog known as the "Boar Hound" which had the courage, the agility, the speed and the strength to hunt these beasts and bring...

The Responsible Great Dane Breeder

Have you ever wondered why over 30% of dogs in shelters are purebreds? Most animal behavior specialists and animal advocates blame puppy bills and commercialized breeders for this negligence. In order to become a responsible Great Dane breeder, th...

Physical Traits of Great Danes

Great danes employ significant features. One can infer some information about the eye and coat color, and nose and ear shape from some specifications observed. These features are the well known examples of the effects of a great dane's DNA. In ord...

The Great Dane

The Great Dane, called the