Anatolian Shepherd Dog

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Anatolian Shepherd Dog Breeders

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The Full Anatolian Shepherd Dog Description

The Anatolian Shepherd Dog is one of the most majestic and noble animals in the service of man; still being used in the rural districts of Turkey as the shepherds' indispensable companion and front line of defense of his livestock from predators. Without the aid of the Anatolian Shepherd Dog, the Turkish shepherd would be less able to defend his property and flock from wild animals.

Indicative Breed Standard


General Appearance

Large, upstanding, tall, powerfully built, with broad, heavy head and short dense coat. Must have size, stamina and speed.


Active breed used originally as a guard dog for sheep; hard working; capable of enduring extremes of heat and cold.


Steady and bold without aggression, naturally independent, very intelligent. Proud and confident.

Head and Skull

Skull large, broad and flat between ears. Slight furrow between eyes and slight stop. Mature males have broader head than females. Foreface one- third of total head length. Slightly pendulous black lips. Square profile. Nose black.


Rather small in proportion to size of skull, set well apart and deep, showing no haw. Golden to brown in colour. Eye rims black.


Medium-sized, triangular in shape, rounded at tip, carried flat to skull and pendant, higher when alert.


Teeth strong, with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws. Lips black.


Slightly arched, powerful, muscular, moderate in length, rather thick. Slight dewlap.


Shoulders well muscled and sloping. Forelegs set well apart, straight and well boned; of good length; strong pasterns, slightly sloping when viewed from side. Elbows close to sides.


Chest deep to point of elbow, ribs well sprung. Body powerful, well muscled, never fat. Level back. Body in proportion to leg length, slightly arched over loins, with good tuck-up.


Powerful, lighter than forequarters; moderate turn of stifle.


Strong feet with well arched toes. Nails short.


Long, reaching at least to hock. Set on rather high. When relaxed carried low with slight curl, when alert carried high with end curled over back, especially by males.


Relaxed even gait, with impression of latent power, very supple movement. Noticeable straight line of head, neck and body, giving impression of stalking in some dogs. Great drive when viewed from side.


Short, dense with thick undercoat. Flat, close-lying, neither fluffy nor wavy. Slightly longer and thicker at neck, shoulders and tail; no feathering on ears or legs.


All colours acceptable but it is desirable that they should be whole colours, cream to fawn, with black mask and ears.


Height: dogs: 74-81 cms (29-32 ins) at the shoulders; bitches: 71-79 cms (28-31 ins). Weight: mature dogs: 50-64 kgs (110-141 lbs); bitches: 41-59 kgs (90-130 lbs).

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