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Cairn Terrier Training - Breed Specific Techniques For Faster and Easier Training

  • 01/11/2010

The Cairn Terrier is an energetic, sturdy, high-spirited dog always busy doing something. No wonder, it is called 'a big dog in a small dog's body.' They are alert, loyal, happy, lovable and naughty. Known for their independence and friendly temperament, they are amazingly patient with kids and very love to play with them.

Cairns don't take long to adjust in their new homes. They are quick to learn. Cairn Terrier training is most effective when you are firm, but not harsh. If you do not train your Cairn properly, you will have a dog that will either bark incessantly or destroy things. They are very inquisitive, bold and courageous. You can train them easily because they are fond of doing tricks. You will you're your Cairn digging furiously to look for worms and insects. They can be quite destructive a landscaped yard. So, keep a watchful eye on them. These dogs are known for their chasing abilities. So, don't be surprised if you find your little Cairn running after anything and everything. Never leave him without supervision an unsafe area. If he is tied out, may start fighting with larger dogs to guard his territory and hurt himself.

The Cairn Terrier is curious and a quick on the uptake. They are good at obedience training but love to chase their prey anyway. Cairn terriers are very smart and quick to learn but have a stubborn streak that can sometimes make the Cairn Terrier Training process more difficult, particularly if you do not assert yourself as the leader. Make sure that the training sessions are short, fun, and positive. Only then the dog will be interested in the training and feel motivated to please you and learn.

Never pamper your Cairn Terrier too much otherwise you will have trouble. However, if you adopt a positive and practical approach, you cannot spoil him. When you begin training him, you will realize that the Cairn Terrier is far more charming from a distance but is quite a challenge to the trainer. He plays to the galleries and enthralls the spectators. He has an over-active mind that will find ways of outsmarting you so that at times you will be left wondering where he picked that one from. Cairns also have a desire to please, so he will repeat such antics if he is praised.

Clicker techniques are very useful in Cairn Terrier training, as they respond well to positive reinforcement. Cairns love to learn, especially when they are puppies under the age of one year, which is rightly called the sponge-dog age. He picks up new things all the time, good and bad. A few months of teaching now will last him a lifetime.

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