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Bullmastiff: The Best Guard Dog Breed

  • 16/08/2012

A lot of people say that one way to be safe from man-made harm is to get the best guard dog breed. Although not all human beings believe that dogs are man's best friend, these furry friends can actually do wonders for their master by being a great companion and an exceptional bodyguard.

There are hundreds of dog breeds around the world. Some dogs are made for petting, especially the cute and little ones, while others are perfect as guardians of their masters and even their houses. Many people think that guard dogs need to be aggressive, tough and scary. But for a dog to be considered as the greatest guard dog, it should be more than just something to be scared of. The feeling of security should always be there when this breed is around. Thus, experts say that the Bullmastiff is considered as the best guard dog breed.

The Bullmastiff has a huge and strong body, broad skull with flat forehead, wide and dark muzzle, big nostrils, dark hazel and medium sized eyes, and has a V-shape ears. The height is between 25 to 27 inches while it weighs around 110 to 133 pounds. The overall built of the Bullmastiff is typical of a guard dog but its attitude is likewise. This dog breed is very passive and quiet as it rarely barks and attacks. Moreover, it generally has a good temperament and is very devoted to its master, as well as friendly to kids.

However, the Bullmastiff is trained to be alert and when provoked, it can be very fearless and aggressive. With this, the master of the Bullmastiff should be someone who is firm and confident as this dog can be powerful. The owner should be dominant as a pack leader and consistent with commands. With regards to dealing with other pets, the Bullmastiff can also be friendly, but it depends on how the owner communicates with the dog. Though dominating, the owner should still be socializing with the Bullmastiff to avoid unwanted behaviors.

This dog breed is prone to cancer, bloating, tumors, eyelid problems and lip boils. It also tends to hastily gain weight so owners should avoid overfeeding. In addition, the owner of the Bullmastiff should walk the dog everyday to hone its behavior as well as keeping it fit.

The average life span of the Bullmastiff is only about 10 years. But even if it lives for a shorter period compared to other breeds, spending time with the Bullmastiff is worth it and fulfilling as it is deemed to be the best guard dog breed that one can ever have.

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