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Brushing Your Shetland Sheepdog

  • 24/11/2010

Shetland Sheepdogs are very popular family pets that require a bit more grooming than other dogs. The Sheltie is a small to medium sized dog with a full double coat. Common colors are sable and white, black white and tan (tri), black and white (bi black), blue merle (blue, white and tan) or blue and white (bi blue).

Grooming the coat is very important to keep a Sheltie in top condition. The thick fur coat needs about twice weekly brushing. Plan on a half hour to an hour for each session. Bathing is necessary because not only do dogs get doggy smells but hair can actually be cut or matted by dirt, giving it an unhealthy look. Routine bathing and brushing will greatly benefit the coat. Brush your Sheltie thoroughly, to the skin, before you bathe. Bathing about once a month is about right for most house dogs.

If your Sheltie's coat looks damaged you can use a conditioner to help repair it until the new coat grows in. There are many types and brands of doggy conditioners. I like to use virgin coconut oil on the hair. A dog that suffers from dry skin will benefit from a coconut oil treatment. I like to let the oil melt (it will melt at 76 degrees), work it all over the coat, wrap the dog in a warm towel or sheet. I turn the hairdryer on low and blow it all over for about 10 minutes. Do not let your dog get overheated and keep the warm air moving over the whole body. Give a warm bath with very gentle toxic free shampoo.
Do not use people products on dogs. Even baby shampoo can irritate a canine's skin.

Never brush a Sheltie's coat when it's dry, it can cause the hair to break. Keep a spray bottle handy to mist the fur all over. Work the water down to the skin. Train your dog to lie on his side for brushing and don't be surprised when he falls asleep while being groomed.

Double coats need extra attention to make sure you get down to the skin. This is called line brushing. Spray the dog lightly with water. Using a 1 inch pin brush, brush a small amount of hair up from the side towards the back. Hold the rest of the hair down against the dog with your other hand. Beginning at the roots, brush up and forward until this row of hair is free of any dead hair and it is smooth all the way down to the skin. Now, take the bottom edge of your brush and using just the first tow or three rows of pins, loosen just a few un-brushed hairs the whole length of your line brushing. You need to keep this line parted completely down to the skin. Don't loosen more than an eighth-inch of un-brushed hair from underneath your hand with each row you brush.

If you take too much hair with the line brushing, your dog will look great until they shake a few times. They will look un-groomed again. Loosen the hair so you still have the part or line down to the skin, separating the brushed from the un-brushed hair. Continue brushing, line by line, until you have brushed the whole dog. Spray with more water mist as the coat gets dry.

Grooming a Shetland Sheepdog's coat takes time and practice. It is worth it when you see the finished look with a flowing coat in perfect condition.

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