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Boxer Puppy Training

  • 01/10/2011

Boxer dogs are very playful, intelligent, obedient and friendly. Boxers are not like other breed. You cannot leave it in a chain. Training to a Boxer is fun. You should know its character properly before going to training. Some Boxers like to take bath with owners. Training to a Boxer is easy. Before going to serious training you should know some important things.

You should introduce clicker to your Boxer first. You may think that it is not necessary but it will help you to go to next stage. Many people use voice instead of clicker but clicker has some advantage such as clicker is unique rather than other sound, sound of clicker does not change over time but your voice could. Any member of your family can use clicker unlike your voice. You should teach your dog that clicker means treat. You can also add a sound with clicker. So click and treat and do it again and again. Be sure about that any members or kids don't use clicker without treat because it will make your dog confused. After taking home of your dog give it time to make itself comfortable. Introduce your dog to its name what you give. That will be easier for your training. You will give a positive name of your dog as it can feel that its name means something good. Call your dog by its name and it comes to you give it a treat. You should teach your dog to come when you call.

Most crucial training is crate training as it is safe when you will be outside. Crate is like his own home where it will sleep, eat and play. Dogs like to play so teach it while playing. You should need a crate, treats, toys and clicker for this training. Through a treat to its crate and use click to go there. You can use its toys instead of treats. You will teach your dog that going to crate is fun and staying in crate is fun. Feed your dog in its crate. When it will go to crate shut it and try it again. You will not give treat for coming out. After continuing this one day you will find that it is sleeping in its crate with its door open.

Leash training is next important training because it will need this as you will walk with your dog. After completing this training you will be able to go out with it.

It is important to make sure you give your boxer the right boxer puppy training if not it will gives you trouble later.

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