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Border Collie Separation Anxiety

  • 18/06/2013

Border collies are great dogs when it comes to participating in all kinds of physical competitions, but they're a bit complicated to live with and take care of. Even though they're intelligent, sociable and enjoy interaction with their owners, border collies can become aggressive and can even start suffering from an affection called separation anxiety when their owners leave the house. They begin hating the owner for leaving them home alone and end up being very destructive for themselves and for the owner. Nonetheless, there are some things Border collie owners can do in order to deal with their dog anxiety or avoid this kind of suffering from appearing.

Most of the things that can and should be done are down to common sense. People must think about how their dogs feel when they are separated from their owners and try to put themselves in the pet's shoes. They must be feeling lonely, abandoned, scared, worried, frantic and even trapped, thus becoming more and more destructive. In order to stop the Border collie from becoming lonely when you're not around the house, you could try getting a new dog so that the two of them could play together and keep each other company. Nonetheless, remember that a Border collie can become very possessive of the owners and may not get along with other dogs. On the other hand, if the dog you're getting him for company has the same race and age, they might have a great deal of fun together.

Though, if you don't want to get another pet, a different way for you to deal with the dog and also prevent him from becoming anxious whenever you're away from home is to train him. In order to effectively do that, leave the house for ten minutes and then come back. Try and do this for a few days, but always increase the time you're away for. In this way, your dog will rapidly realize that you don't want to leave him and that you'll always come back at some point in the future. Also, if your border collie is good and doesn't wreck the house while you're gone, then reward him by treating him with something good to eat or by playing with him. By doing that, your dog will quickly understand that his good behavior while you're away will always be rewarded. This way, the temptation of misbehaving will disappear and both you and your pet will be pleased.

Something else you can do in order to help your little precious border collie deal with separation anxiety is to not say goodbye to him whenever you leave the house. Even if it sounds silly to do this, the routine you have before leaving might scare the dog, as it can be a reminder of the fact that you're going to miss from home for a couple of hours or maybe days. If he doesn't see the routine, then the dog will realize you left much later and thus he will better cope with your absence.

Last but not least, remember to take your border collie outside before you leave home or as soon as you're getting home. This is the most obvious thing you must do, but also a very important one. Also, make sure he has plenty of food and water in the food bowls, chewing toys and all the doors of the house opened in order for him not to get bored or to need something when you're not there. If you're gone for many days in a row, ask a friend or a neighbor to watch your dog and when you come back make him understand that you still love him.

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