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Border Collie Dogs Training - Getting Started

  • 31/10/2010

Border collie dogs training can be a fun and exciting hobby. Training your dog basic obedience, to fetch a Frisbee, or herding animals is easy to do if you have the right approach. There are wrong ways to train your border collie and there are effective positive methods that are more rewarding for you and your dog. Here I will discuss some of the more basic training for a border collie, and hopefully you will find it useful. I think that if you commit yourself to border collie dogs training you will find it to be enjoyable.

Border collie dogs training will allow you do teach your dogs some basic obedience. There will be some things you will want to teach your dog like no chewing, no barking, how to walk on a leash, and of course pottie training. All of these tasks can be taught to your dog in the same way. I recommend positive training for your dog which encourages the dog to do something that you want as opposed to getting on them for doing the wrong thing. You will always want to approach the training from a learning and teaching perspective, and not a say and punishment approach. Remember, border collies by nature are very sensitive and loyal, they want to please you, and they won't benefit from harsh training. The easiest way to implement this type of training is with a clicker. The clicker is used to get the dogs attention and to reinforce positive behaviors. The clicker is used while the dog is performing the desired action, and if you wish you can reinforce the clicker sound with a treat. Eventually, a word command will replace the clicker when the dog is fully trained.

You may want to train your border collie for sports performance training where you dog will chase down a Frisbee, walk through an obstacle course, or other tricks. With border collie dogs training there are many different fun activities you can do with your dog. For example, let's take a look at Frisbee training. You will want to use the same positive reinforcement and clicker methods you use with obedience training. You can start by playing with your dog using he Frisbee to get him excited about it. You want to associate the Frisbee as a fun time for the dog. Next, get him used to chasing down the Frisbee by tossing it to the ground in front of you, not very far away, and when the dog goes near it use the clicker with a treat. Repeat this until the dog can consistently run to the Frisbee when you throw it down. You will repeat the same process for fetching a thrown Frisbee and for returning it to you. You will want to be careful and teach the dog not to bite down on the Frisbee so it won't damage it. Have fun with this time and enjoy your dog.

Border collie dogs training are fairly easy to accomplish for herding because that is their natural instinct. The hardest part is getting them to obey your word commands. The first stage is to introduce your dog to the herd and get them to feel comfortable around the animals. After this there are some basic tasks you will want your border collie to do while herding: flank, outrun, fetch, drive, and pen. You can use these exact words to command your dog or you can use other words. Lets take an example with the drive command. Here you want the dog behind the sheep driving them toward you. Allow the dog to instinctively drive the herd forward, but be ready to give a verbal or physical correction. Only use the physical correction if the verbal does not work, but never hit your dog. All that is needed is an abrupt yank on the collar, or grab his shoulders and give him a gentle shake. Then stand in the correct spot and nudge him over there. If done properly, a physical correction can be more effective than a verbal correction. Be careful and always observe your border collie's attitude, as this will tell you what type of correction is needed.

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