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Border Collie Barking Problem

  • 18/06/2013

It's more than usual for a dog like a border collie to bark. He does it when he's happy, when he's angry and whenever he wants to tell you or show you something. This is a natural behavior that he has and it's his method of communication, although not the only one. Despite this fact, there are moments when he barks excessively. That's when the habit becomes the problem. In these cases what you have to do is teach him when to be quiet and when to bark using the quiet and speak commands.

First of all let's see why does a border collie bark? The reasons are actually very numerous. What you have to do is listen to the barks and notice the differences between them. This way you can solve the problem when necessary. You must learn that there are various types of barks. Most of the times, a dog would bark to warn you. Whenever someone passes by the car, the house or rings the doorbell, the dog will start barking. Sometimes, when they sense danger they also bark just to warn the eventual delinquent that he is there to protect the house and the persons in it. In these cases, the sound of the bark is loud and sharp. If you train him properly you can have a trustworthy protector.

Sometimes, a border collie barks because he's anxious and stressed. The dog barks in these moments to sooth himself. The loud barking can come along with the whining. Another type of barking is the one that shows the excitement and the playfulness. You can notice this on young dogs and puppies. Every time they will play with other dogs or with humans they will start barking. Also, when they know that they're about to go for a car ride or a walk they will bark impatiently. The sound of this bark can be musical and upbeat.

Another form of barking is when he responds to other dogs. So, whenever, a dog starts barking on the street it's likely that your border collie also starts barking. The border collie barking can also be caused by boredom. Even if you don't believe it, he barks simply to hear the sound of his own voice. This is one of the most annoying types of barking. It's also rather sad, because this means that your dog feels lonely and he needs a companion or an activity. This leads us to the next form of barking. This one is used in order to get some attention. In these cases he could also whine just to assure that you see him and that you're going to play with him or pet him.

Now that you understood your border collie barking you can find some ways to stop or to prevent excessive barking. So, first of all, what you have to do is ensure that he gets as much exercise as possible. Also, try not to leave him alone for a long period of time. Don't encourage your dog by petting him when he needs attention or when he barks because of the anxiety. Moreover, don't allow your dog to bark when he's outside the house because he'll often repeat the behavior inside. Also try not to shout at your border collie because this may enhance his barking and learn how to make him listen to your commands. Whenever the problem persists even if you tried all the possible solutions you have to call a trainer or a veterinarian.

So, as you see, your border collie barking can have numerous causes. What you have to do is identify them and solve the problem as soon as possible.

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