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Summer BBQ Donts ... Not A Dog Picnic

  • 21/07/2013

BBQ-dog.jpgSummer’s in full swing, and with all of the back-garden barbecues and picnics, it’s easy to forget that too much of a good thing can be hazardous for our four-legged family members. Here are five tips when it comes to your pets’ party consumption.

1 BBQs always include lots of meat and meat products, and while one hot dog or hamburger probably won’t hurt, table scraps from lots of people might be enough to cause vomiting or diarrhea. If you don’t want Fido begging during dinner, bring some dog food or dog treats, and feed your pet while you eat a heaping plate of human food.

2 Grapes and raisins are toxic for dogs and can cause severe kidney problems or even death, so be careful when making or serving fruit salads around animals.

3 Just like humans, dogs can get drunk by ingesting alcohol, though too much also causes comas or even death. Remind your guests not to leave alcoholic drinks lying around where dogs can get to them.

4 Throw away meat and chicken bones rather than give them to your dog. Cooked bones are harmful in a variety of ways, from breaking your dog’s teeth or causing constipation, to much worse — internal bleeding and death.

5 Want a cool doggie treat for a hot summer picnic? Freeze chicken or beef broth in ice-cube trays and let Fido lick away while you enjoy the festivities.

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