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Protecting Your Dog From Home Repair Dangers

  • 12/02/2020

Spring is on the way and with it comes another round of home maintenance and repairs. Keeping your home in tip-top shape is, of course, a huge priority, but you also have to consider that your pooch might get into something dangerous in the process. True dog lovers know that their dog is like a family member and keeping them safe in any situation takes precedence over just about everything else. However, it is possible to both repair your home and keep your furry friend safe if you know what to look out for.

What Are The Dangers?

Home maintenance and repairs are necessary to keep the value of your home rising over the years. Not only does regular home maintenance help to improve the value of your home and reduce the likelihood that you’ll have to make more expensive repairs down the line, but it can also be helpful in keeping your dog healthy too! Ensuring that your house is clean throughout the year and making sure to replace HVAC filters can keep your dog from being exposed to anything too nasty that you might not be able to see.

However, chances are that eventually, you’ll have to do some major repairs or upkeep on your home and it will disrupt your furry friend’s routine. Dogs are naturally curious creatures and a tub of spackle or fresh paint can prove to be a tempting treat to many a four-legged friend. Fiberglass and spray foam insulations can also pique your dog’s curiosity and ingesting or even playing in these materials can cause serious medical issues and even death.

In fact, just about anything left over from a DIY home project can be dangerous to your dog. Wood shavings, old chips of paint, loose screws and nails, and torn up carpet and the padding beneath can all pose risks in their own way either through ingestion, inhalation, or even stepping on or playing in certain materials. The cleaners and adhesives that you use during even the most minor of repairs or maintenance can be toxic to your dog in the smallest amounts, so it is important to be aware of just how many dangers there are when maintaining or repairing your home.


The best way to avoid your dog becoming injured or ill when you’re doing home repairs or maintenance is prevention. Home repairs disrupt your dog’s schedule and can cause them serious stress so it is vital that you try and keep things as normal as possible when you’re engaging in home maintenance or repairs. Take them out for their regular walks and try to keep certain areas of the home free for them to roam in, placing their favorite toys as well as their food and water in that designated safe area.

If you find yourself using power tools during repairs or maintenance it is important that you make sure that your dog doesn’t have a way into the room where you’re using them. Dogs might become startled by the noise and panic, or attempt to come to see what all the commotion is about, which can put them in harm’s way. Keeping them clear of the rooms that you’re working on also allows you to properly clean up while you go, ensuring that your dog doesn’t get into anything that they shouldn’t.

During home repairs, you might stumble upon deposits of mold, and it is imperative that you remove these completely as soon as you find them as the spores can travel far and wide in a short amount of time. While you’re doing home repairs and maintenance, the most important thing that you need to do is pay attention to your dog and make sure that they aren’t acting in a strange manner which might indicate that they’re too stressed or have gotten into something harmful.

What To Do If They Get Injured

Even if you’re incredibly careful and take steps to keep your dog safe during home repairs, there is no guarantee that they won’t somehow get injured. If the worst does happen, it is important to remain calm and know exactly what to do. Your dog feeds off of your mood, and if they sense that you are panicked, they will mirror that which might cause further injury depending on the situation.

First and foremost, it is essential to be prepared for any injury that your dog might get whether it is from ingesting something that is harmful or even just cutting their paw on a loose screw or nail. The best way to make sure that you’re ready for the worst is to have a first aid kit for dogs ready and waiting. Their first aid kit should have almost everything you’d have in yours from bandages to antibiotics and hydrogen peroxide with the addition of numbers you might need to call in an emergency such as poison control or an emergency animal hospital.

If you do end up having to take your dog to the veterinarian or pet emergency room, it’s a good idea to have invested in pet insurance. Pet insurance can help significantly offset the cost of an unexpected trip to the vet, and if there is any lasting damage from any harmful or toxic materials, it will also aid in giving them a long and happy life without draining your wallet.

Your pet is incredibly important and making sure that they stay safe when you do home repairs or maintenance is vital to keeping them healthy and happy. Keeping toxic or dangerous materials out of reach, paying close attention to them while making time for them during repairs, and knowing what to do in an emergency are all fantastic ways to keep them protected when working on your home.

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