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One Critical Mistake?

  • 23/03/2011

A lot of people seem to be making one very critical mistake when it comes to their dog and I can't help but laugh when I see this. Why? Because I used to do the same thing before I got some lessons that changed the way I think about dogs and pets in general.

So, what's the mistake? People think like people when they're training their dog and not like dogs. I know this sounds obvious but I think we're all guilty of this mistake.

For example, people think that yelling at their dog an hour after they their business on the floor is going to teach them not to do that anymore. Wrong! The dog won't even know what he did wrong unless you did immediately after he committed the crime. So all your yelling is only doing one thing and one thing only, scaring him. Or it might even be teaching him NOT to do something he should be doing, like playing for example.

I see a lot of people in awe of some of these TV "gurus" that they watch every day, but what they're doing is so simple. They're thinking like dogs instead of people.

One thing to also remember is that dogs are pack animals. Meaning that they follow rules and regulations, which is what allows them to be domesticated. But who's rules and regulations do they follow? They follow the alpha dog or the leader of the pack.

If you position yourself as the alpha dog in your house, then your dog will automatically follow all of your commands. He or she will respect your space, and listen to your every word. It really is that simple.

Another technique I learned is that you should leave your dog in a room by themselves if they do something wrong. Why? Because they hate being alone since they're pack animals. This all goes back to thinking like a dog.

If you can do this one thing, then any subsequent dog training you learn will be ten times more powerful because you've learned the foundation of dog training. You'll not only learn about dog training, but any other pets you have as well.

All of these so-called "dog experts" all have one thing in common. They think more like dogs than humans and that's what allows them to be so good with them. So start thinking more like a dog and less like a human!

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