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Crazy Pampered Pooches?

  • 06/05/2011

So your dog has had its hair dyed, nails polished and hair extensions in, now why not really push the boat out with some truly unusual pet accessories.

A number of people with smaller dogs choose coats for their dogs in the colder months but the range of clothing for dogs far exceeds any coat. Clothing ranges from leather jackets and dressing gowns through to skirts, jeans and even punk outfits and wedding dresses. Of course no dog would be complete with its own range of lingerie!

To accompany these outfits your dog can wear shoes especially designed for your pet. Amongst the ranges it is possible to buy at certain on-line pet supplies websites are sandals, running shoes, fur lined boots, teddy boy shoes and wellies and if you are worried that the shoes might chafe(!) then there is a wide selection of dog socks

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