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Are Dogs Disguised In Wolves' Clothing?

  • 09/05/2011

We have all heard the saying 'all dogs are 99% wolf' but what exactly does this mean? Are we sharing our lives and homes with wolves?!

Throughout history, the grey wolf has been referred to as Canis Lupus whilst the domestic dog has been referred to as Canis Familiaris. It is only recently that research has determined that both species should be referred to under one heading; Canis Lupus Familiaris.

It is commonly accepted that all domestic dogs, from Chihuahua to Labrador, are the direct result of the domestication of the grey wolf that occurred as long ago as 15,000 years. When we say '99% wolf' we are referring to the genetics of the dog. Although they are not genetically identical, a dog shares 99% of its DNA with a wolf and interbreeding between the two can and does occur (rarely though).

There are also several clear physical similarities between the two; both are social animals and prefer to live life in a pack; both show immense loyalty to pack members (be it human or animal) and the domestic dog and wolf each have a gestation period of approximately 63 days. There are also clear parallels through the body language of each animal; both show dominance and submission through the exact same process; both demonstrate fear and, whilst not often seen in the domestic dog, both animals have the same hunting instincts.

Of course, there are also differences between the two animals. The most noticeable being that the domestic dog can be house trained whilst the wolf, even in hybrids, will always contain the "wild" in it and will, technically, always be a "wild animal".

Linked into this issue are studies into the domestication of foxes. Studies in the Soviet Union have proven that through selective breeding over just 50 years, the silver fox has become tamer and more dog-like. One has to ask the question "if these foxes are now domesticated, does this mean they are still foxes or something else?" The answer is obviously no, they still remain foxes, albeit slightly more friendly.

Then why exactly, are dogs referred to as dogs? We have established that the main distinction between the grey wolf and the domestic dog is the latter's ability to be house trained, but why refer to them as something different entirely? Surely, the same rule should stand as with the silver fox. The dog, as we know it, is in fact a grey wolf that can be domesticated.

Studies and opinions on this subject can and do differ widely; some suggest that the domestic dog is no more related to the wolf than humans are to the chimp, whilst others believe that the grey wolf and domestic dog are permanently linked with the DNA speaking for itself.

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