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Bichon Frise Dog - Puffball Cutie

  • 31/10/2010

The Bichon Frise is a cute puffball of a dog that is charming and which has loose and curly double-coated hair that is mostly white in color, though they may also turn out to be cream, gray as well as apricot colored. This predominantly white colored dog has a special liking for humans and the Bichon Frise personality will charm you and it is also very gentle in its manner, and less of a yapper than you would expect from a toy breed. Nevertheless, it is self-assured and very happy in its outlook and quite easy to get along with.

Also, the Bichon Frise dog originates from the Mediterranean area is sociable and will get along with other dogs and pets, and is also an excellent watchdog and able to perform many tricks as well. In fact, the Bichon Frise was among the few "yuppie puppies" of the eighties, though the same popularity has led to its being improperly bred, so lookout before buying this breed. Nevertheless, you will still love him for his competitive nature and also for his obedience, though often it can prove to be stubborn and rather difficult to housebreak, just like most other toy breeds.

The Bichon Frise dog is an excellent choice for those who want a small yet sturdy pet and also one who does not need much exercise and he is good watchdog that also gets along well with other pets. Also, the Bichon Frise personality is such that he requires a lot of companionship and is not happy when left alone. When he is unhappy about something, the Bichon Frise will show it through becoming destructive and also by barking. He is also naturally soft by nature and if he is not given adequate exposure to people, he can become excessively shy and even suspicious.

Other aspects to the Bichon Frise personality include his being quite stubborn at times, and even quite manipulative. Thus, to get them to obey you, the Bichon Frise needs to be consistently shown that you mean what you say, and not allow it to think otherwise by vacillating between firmness and softness while training him. In addition, the Bichon Frise will bark at the slightest provocation and this can be quite unnerving because of his intense as well as high-pitched bark.

There is no doubt how cute the immensely attractive Bichon Frise dog is and he is also a very charming creature, which adds to his appeal amongst dog owners. In addition, the Bichon Frise personality is one of confidence as well as wanting a lot of human attention, while at the same time he is very stylish and also vigorous. The Bichon Frise dog is also extremely intelligent and very attentive as well as a good show dog that could easily win prizes in ring competition.

The Bichon Frise dog is also one who loves comfort as well as human company and will generally make a great pet dog, though from the time you take him in as a pup until he grows up you may need to cuddle him and provide him with a snug bed to suit his temperament and personality. In fact, for the real Bichon Frise personality to bloom he must be given plenty of affection otherwise he can easily become shy as well as withdrawn.

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