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Bichon Frise - Love And Care

  • 31/10/2010

The Bichon Frise, a cute loving dog, usually lives sixteen years or even longer. Although these dogs have more or less good health, they are not absolutely free from turmoil. In this article, we will sort out some common Bichon Frise health problems, which you will find useful if you are living with a Bichon Frise at your home. Admitted that prevention is always better than cure, but some health problems cannot be simply avoided with preventive measures.

Major Bichon Frise health problems may include skin and allergy, dental, bladder infections and gallbladder stones, eye disorders, and ear infections. Additionally, the Bichon Frise may experience other common health problems such as hip problems, degenerative disorders, aging, cancer, heart complications and many others. Hence, if you assume that your Bichon Frise has health problems, you should not delay contacting a good veterinarian. The sooner you get medical attention the easier it can be to treat some disorders, while some others may rely on emergency medical care.

If you do not recognize the symptoms of common Bichon Frise health problems in your dog right away, you may probably end up with great financial loss and your dog, needless to say, with enormous pain and discomfort. The primary symptoms that you may encounter when your dog is not in good health are excessive chewing, licking or scratching for long periods of time. Similar to many other white dogs, Bichon Frise dogs are subject to skin allergy problems, which may occur due to a wide variety of reasons like chemical exposure, fleas or other allergens and irritants.

Dental care is another common health concern for the Bichon Frise. Health problems of Bichon Frise may arise significantly from this dental disease. Brushing the teeth of the Bichon Frise, on a regular basis, is highly recommended. It is not a good idea to use human toothbrush for cleaning the teeth of the Bichon Frise, you should buy dog toothbrush along with the special toothpaste from a pet shop. Many expert veterinarians suggest that brushing the teeth is the ideal way to keep the excess medical bills for the dog at bay.

You can't even imagine how bad the dental problem of your Bichon Frise can be over time if you don't take immediate action. It may even lead to serious bladder, kidney and liver infections. However not all Bichon Frise health problems can be contributed to dental disease alone, such as kidney stone disease, may happen for several reasons. There are essentially two types of stones, while altering the diet can cure one type, and the other type needs surgical intervention. Once the dog is diagnosed having stones, it needs thorough monitoring and care.

Ear and eye problems are other significant Bichon Frise health problems. Cataracts and tear staining are common eye problems. When ear problems occur, it typically involves a bad odor. Patella problems are another significant health problem for the Bichon Frise. Lack of exercise or physical activity or hereditary issues may lead to this type of health complication. Hence, you must not buy the dog unless you can be sure of the authenticity of the breeder, since it is really important to consider family history of the dog in order to avoid any undesirable health concerns.

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