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Belgian Malinois - Dog Breed

  • 22/11/2010

The Belgian Malinois, which is also known as the Belgian Shepherd Dog, is a relatively large dog commonly used for herding sheep. It is originally from Belgium, and its name is French for Mechlinian, which in turn comes from the Dutch word Mechelse, a word with no real definition. The breed was originally bred for herding and guarding of sheep in Belgium, but nowadays it works also with professional security, drug discovery, and various other guarding duties. In the United States this breed is even used within the secret service and in Isral within Unit Oketz of the Israel Defense Forces. The Belgian Malinois was registered with the AKC back in 1912, but first attained its name in 1959. For the first 47 years it was known only as the Belgian Shepherd Dog.

Some of the Belgian Malinois main characteristics include responsibility, responsitivity and playfulness. The Belgian Malinois are, like most other dog breeds are, loyal and trustworthy, and can also be both attentative and stubborn. They get along nicely together with older more considerate children and ones it was raised with. They also get along good together with other pets as long as they are trained to do so, though their hunting instincts may return if smaller animals run away. It needs a relatively social lifestyle with other animals and a good deal of attention, as well as exercise, if not it may become mischievous or bored. The Belgian Malinois is both reserved and shy around strangers.

In terms of appearance this dog is athletically built, with a fur coat in either fawn, red, or gray, occasionally with hints of black. It has large pointy ears and a thick tail. The height normally averages between 21 to 26 inches (61 to 66 cm) and its weight 45 to 75 pounds (29 to 34 kg). It might also be good to note that this breed sheds heavily, and brushing on a daily basis would be recommended. It does however not require much grooming at all. The Belgian Malinois tends to live an average of 11 to 14 years. Some common health issues include cataracts, epilepsy, thyroid problems, PRA, HD and pannus. It is not a dog well suited for newcomers to the art of dog owning, mostly due to it's stubbornness in both training and various other tasks, but will otherwise be great as both a companion and work dog.

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