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Bearded Collie - Fundamental Facts You Ought To Understand

  • 25/03/2013

The Bearded Collie, often called the "Beardie", is a herding breed of dog. They feature a shaggy coat that is black, brown, blue or fawn. It was during the early 1500s the breed is thought to have first appeared where herding sheep is what they were originally bred for. They are now a more popular selection as a companion dog for active owners or families. Attributes like their distinctive coat and high level of energy that makes them "bounce" are what they are renowned for. Their earlier ancestors are Polish Lowland Sheepdogs and herding breeds like the Komondor and they are known to have come from Scotland.

They're classified as a medium sized breed. The recommended male size is 50-60 pounds and a height of 21-22 inches, whereas the female dimensions are 40-45 pounds with a height of 20-21 inches. Their manner is commonly known to be lively, playful and devoted. They can be unsuitable as a protection dog, as they are usually accommodating towards people they haven't met before. They rank 34th compared with all other dogs when being taught new things, and are known to be very intelligent.

They are suitable for a family pet, as they are good with children. Other pets like those they're raised with do live peacefully with them. Grooming them is a demanding assignment. They require a high amount of brushing through their coat every day, and full grooming once every 6 to 8 weeks. They won't be suitable for being kept in an apartment, but enjoy having a large, well-fenced backyard to run around in.

As with the majority of medium sized dogs, they are for the most part longer-lived with an expected life of 12-14 years. They're susceptible to eye problems, food allergies and hypothyroidism, but their most worrying health risk is cancer. They enjoy hobbies such as agility, swimming, learning tricks or playing fetch. To reduce the risk of destructive behavior, they should be taken for long walks each day due to their very high level of energy.

You ought to be prepared to meet their high needs for attention, exercise and grooming if you choose to buy the Bearded Collie. They're a perfect choice for active owners and families that can meet their needs, but less suitable for anyone without much time for a dog. Perhaps the greatest reason people find this dog attractive is that it can become one of the best family pets due to its lively and devoted nature.

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