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Beagle Puppy Potty Training

  • 31/10/2010

Are you frustrated with potty training a beagle puppy? Is the stubborn streak of the beagle puppy playing up and preventing you from achieving success with your Beagle puppy potty training? Don't give up. Here are some tips.

The best way to start potty training a puppy is crate training. Leave your puppy in his crate for about two hours, then take him outside to go potty and also to play. This will help your beagle develop a sense of routine and help him learn to control his bladder.

Set a timer to remind you to take your puppy out every two hours to the spot where you want him to potty. Then wait patiently until he does it. Always take him to the same potty spot so as to ingrain in him a sense of routine.

Remember to also take him out every time he wakes up, about 30 minutes after eating his meal and drinking water, and after play and exercise, and before sleep.

When he potties in the wrong place, do not tell him NO as this will confuse him. He will think that the act of going potty is bad, not where he is going potty. And never punish him by sticking his nose in it. You do not want to scare him nor provoke him to anger. Make frequent use of positive reinforcement every time he does it right. Tell him something like "good potty." Also give him generous praises and treats as part of your beagle puppy potty training. Positive reinforcement accelerates his learning process.

Where many people could go wrong during the training is to scold your puppy when he has an accident inside your house. Although a Beagle puppy may be smart, he does not have the ability to figure out why you are mad with him. In this situation, he will learn to fear you. Fearing the owner is a leading cause of bad behavior and emotional problems. These will lead to more accidents inside the house, which is the very thing you are trying to prevent. So you need to be positive at all times.

Another action that is important, is to catch him at the right moment when he is doing it inside the house. Immediately when you see him doing it, even if he is already peeing, lift him up and take him outside. He will probably finish the peeing outside and understand that that is what you want of him.

Remember, he is still a baby. You have to be patient and consistent. It takes a while to develop bladder control. Do give him time and he will come right. Your patience will pay off.

There are also other ways to do beagle puppy potty training. Paper training also can work but it is not the ideal solution and should be avoided if possible. Your beagle puppy will get into the habit of going on to paper inside your house. However when it comes time for him to go outside the house, he may start looking for a spot covered with paper and may not find it, and this may confuse him if he does not find it.

When doing beagle puppy potty training, the main thing to remember is to be persistent and to stay focused and determined. By your consistent action, your beagle puppy will come to realize that you want him to go potty in a certain spot. And after your beagle puppy has been potty trained, you can relax and enjoy your lovable, intelligent, and wonderful dog.

If you find helpful the tips given above, you may wish to read more about these yourself. There is a book available on the subject of beagle puppy potty training. This book is reviewed here.

"Beagle Training With Zone Method" book. This book describes the zone training method. Zone training is an unparalleled training method developed for specific dog breed such as the Beagle. It reinforces their position ("zone") with relationship to their owners. Currently there is not another Beagle training method on the market that can bring out your Beagle's ultimate level of intelligence and happiness.

With Zone training in The Best Beagle Training Book, you will achieve the following benefits: house train & domesticate your Beagle puppy, potty training, and many others even before they start the bad habits.

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