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Beagle Barking, Baying and Howling - Is It a Myth That Beagles Howl Out Of Control?

  • 16/08/2012

Is it true that Beagles bark, bay and howl out of control or just a myth? Read on to find out the facts and tips to help you stop your Beagle barking, baying and howling.

Most dog breeds love to bark, and if you thought Beagles howl out of control, think again. Dogs may bark at any moving object, a feather flying across the room, or even if you make some sudden unusual movements. It does not mean the Beagle will bark incessantly just to irritate you. It may be stubborn at first, but love and understanding on your part will help the dog remain calm most of the time. A content and happy dog will not need to bark without reason.

The purpose of training is to cover all aspects of a dog's behavioral traits. For example, your Beagle may alert you of a trespasser by barking continuously. If you scold the dog, it gets confused and Beagle baying may continue for all the wrong reasons. Watch out for triggers leading to a barking spell. Eliminating the very reason for barking like pangs of hunger or boredom immediately produces positive results.

Beagles are sociable dogs and need a lot of attention, especially from their alpha leader. If you feed them, impart instructions, exercise them, and take them out for walks, they look up to you for almost all their needs. You can use the affection and response to your advantage by training your Beagle to exercise restraint whenever needed. Beagles howl for different reasons, so make a definite attempt at understanding exactly how your Beagle responds to different commands.

Excitement and commotion may trigger the barking habit. Distract the dog with positive activity and praise it when it responds to your calls. Use verbal commands like "good boy" or "quiet girl" and then make an attempt to draw its attention to another activity. Establish the right balance by indulging the dog in positive action or at times ignoring it altogether until it stops barking.

Use commands that associate barking with communication. For instance, if your Beagle starts to bark without reason, use words like "what" until the dog converts its bark into a medium of conversation. You will find the dog makes an attempt to speak. Encourage it to do so, while you understand how to pacify the dog. With enough practice, you will learn solutions for different Beagle baying spells.

Recreate a situation that excites the dog outdoors within the home. It may bark at cars passing by or loud noises. Hold the dog on a leash while releasing a toy car making loud noises. Train the dog to ignore the sound and movement by making it comfortable to both movement and sound. You can also distract the dog with reasonably loud music or an alarm clock. Focus must be on trying to prevent your dog from barking. Stay at your dog's side until you succeed in curbing their barking habit.

BONUS TIP - Assume leadership when your dog is in trouble. Beagles bark or howl if bigger dogs threaten them. Try and defend them while soothing their nerves at the same time. They will begin to understand that you will protect them under any circumstances. However, ensure your Beagle maintains a defensive posture unless provoked to an unbearable extent.

And since understanding why Beagles bark, bay and howl is really the solution to start the process of controlling and training their barking, I would like to invite you to get instant free access to more information about it at

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