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Bath Time For Your Dog - 10 Helpful Tips

  • 01/01/2014

Is your pooch stinky? Itchy? A canine Pigpen? It's time for a bath! Here are some tips and suggestions for a productive bath time.

1) Use a shampoo with a pH balance for dogs, human shampoos have a different pH that will dry and irritate their skin.

2) Find the appropriate shampoo for your dog... are they allergic? Do you want a shampoo and conditioner in one? a brightener if you dog is a light color? Calming shampoo with essential oils for a stressed pet?

3) Pick a shampoo without synthetic chemicals, shampoos with synthetic chemicals are harsh and irritating, they will absorb into their skin and yours when applied.

4) If you have a gentle natural shampoo with the correct pH balance you can bathe your dog as often as needed.

5) Brush! Brush! Brush! With the correct type of brush for your pet's coat and coat appropriate comb for long coats; loosens dirt, hair and stimulates natural oils. This is a good time to check their skin and coat for problems you may not have noticed before.

6) Make sure you have everything you need right there with you, makes life easier.

7) Keep the water lukewarm to just cool, wet down to skin. For thick coats a bath brush can help get the soap down to the skin, don't forget the underside, paws and rear. Avoid soap around eyes, ears, and mouth, use a wash cloth if needed.

Then Rinse! Rinse! Rinse! and Rinse some more, any shampoo left could cause skin irritation, be especially careful with dogs with under coats.

8) If using a towel to dry you don't have to scrub, they're going to shake no matter how much water you absorb off of them so just blot, besides if their skin is already irritated you'll just make it worse... just absorb the excess water and they are ready to air dry.

Using chamois leather is another option, dries faster than a towel and leaves their coats soft and shiny... again, blot and air dry.

You can use a hair dryer for drying their coat, there are special dryers on the market for dogs now because they require a very low temperature setting. If you use a regular hair dryer use the lowest gentlest setting, keep the nozzle moving and far away, their skin will burn easily if you are to close, it doesn't take much heat to dry their fur.

9) This is a good time to clean ears since their ears will be moist and easy to gently wipe out, also check for odor which could mean beginnings of an ear infection, better to catch it early.

10) Doggie bath robes are really practical, they keep the majority of the water off your floors and furniture, they keep your dog clean for a while, and they keep your dog from being chilled if the air is cold.

After their bath tell your pooch how good he/she is... don't forget a treat! Happy Bath!

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