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Basset Hound News

  • 31/10/2010

Many of you may wonder where the Basset Hound acquired it's name. Would it surprise you if I told you that the name actually derives from a French word, "bas?" "Bas" can be interpreted in French as meaning low. Rumors have it that Basset Hounds are genetic dwarfs that were from litters of other French Hounds.

They are direct descendants of what is today known as a Bloodhound. Their first showing was in 1863 in Paris, France. Shortly after this dog show England became obsessed with the Basset Hound. It became very popular, a huge debate arose because the English people could not agree on whether the dog would stay in the hunting class or if it would become a companion.

While this was occurring American breeders had begun developing a bloodline of it that was ideal for a hunter that preferred to hunt on foot. If you were wondering why then you should consider the simple fact that the Basset Hound was a slow paced dog. One of the advantages of using this breed is that they are social dogs that are able to not only hunt alone but hunt in packs as well. While the Basset Hound was used for this "on foot hunting" it was also used as a companion.

In 1884, the Westminster Kennel Club showed their dog and by 1885 the it was recognized by the AKC. These were the first steps that later lead to the creation of the Basset Hound Club of America in the year 1935.

According to AKC requirement standards, the it should range between twelve and fifteen inches in height for males and eleven to fourteen inches for females. You can expect the average male to weigh between fifty to sixty pounds while the females are just a little lighter at forty-five to possibly up to sixty pounds. Your average Bloodhound will live from ten to twelve years of age.

It was designed to follow trails on the most difficult of terrains. While they appear to be clumsy the Basset Hound is far from it. This well proportioned dog is constructed in a manner where it's short legs are shorter than that of any other breed in existence today. With a full and deep chest they stand low with a full, deep chest and a large but yet proportioned head.

The standard Basset Hound stands with the elbows and shoulders close to the sides of the dog's chest. They should have a well extended, smooth and what appears to be a very long back. You can definitely expect a full as well as a round hindquarter.

As with all hounds the tail will have a slight curve and is directly connected to the spine. When it comes to a color description, any accepted hound color will be adequate.

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