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Understanding The Different Health Complications Of Tick Bites

  • 01/10/2011

Dogs are man's beloved pet. Some even considered them as part of the family. Just like a human child, house dogs are given special attention by their owners. house dogs are blessed for the reason that they are fed, groomed and well taken care of. Whenever the dog is unwell, it is taken to a special doctor for animals known as veterinarian. Clearly, one of the most common health complaints when raising dogs are tick invasion.

Ticks are pests. Some say that they belong to the same family of spiders and mites. They are arachnids, although many still think that ticks are insects. Ticks are damaging because they are vectors to a number of diseases. As mentioned earlier, they suck on their hosts. By this mechanism, they transfer diseases from one host to another.

The most common symptoms of tick bites are fever, sudden loss of appetite, irritation, swelling in the area, lethargy and depression. For proper prognosis and treatment, dog owners must report these symptoms right away to their vet.

If tick bites are ignored, it can advance and become serious. Complications from tick bites often have general symptoms. It is consequential to know the different complications of tick bites in order to arrest the condition as soon as possible. Cited below are some of them:

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