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Top 5 Problems People Experience With Their Dogs

  • 23/03/2011

Most dog behaviours are caused by really simple reasons. Yet, some people confront them completely the wrong way. One of the reasons I see people make these mistakes is that they have a hard time thinking like a dog and instead they think like humans. If you want to train your dog, the first you need to learn is that you have to get inside your dog's head. Here are the top 5 bad behaviors and how to solve them.

1. Barking. The number one reason dogs bark is because they crave attention. They also bark because they're bored. The simplest way to solve this problem is by taking your dog for walks more often. If they burn off that excessive energy, your dog will be calmer and have less of a tendency to bark. One thing not to do is give your dog treats or reward them. They will think you're encouraging them to bark.

2. Chewing. Another big problem people have with their dogs is chewing. Adult dogs chew because of boredom while puppies chew simply because their teething. If you want a quick fix for this problem, then just get your dog more chew toys to substitute from other household items. If you want a long-term fix than take your dog on more walks and activities to cure his boredom.

3. Chasing. One of a dog's instincts is to chase things. Now this could be annoying but not only that but it could also be extremely dangerous if they decide to chase a car, a person or another dog during a walk. There are many things you could do to prevent this. One is to position yourself as the leader during your walks by keeping him behind you during your walks using a leash. This will let your dog know that you're the boss and you decide where to walk. It'll also keep him focused and not have any impulses.

4. Jumping on people. This is another common problem people experience with their dog. One thing you could do is turn your back on them and not give any eye contact. By ignoring them, you're not giving them the attention they crave and will realise that it's not getting them anywhere.

5. Biting. This is a sign of a serious lack of obedience training. You have to once again, position yourself as the leader of the pack and find out what is stressing your dog out. If you know your dog has a tendency to bite, keep him on a tight leash.

Those are the top behaviours people have with their dogs and how to solve them.

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