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The Advantages Of Bringing Your Four-legged Friend To The Dog Park

  • 18/02/2014

A dog park is a animal oriented facility that accommodates canine pets and their owners in cities that have established very strict leash laws. The amenity is a great assets to doggy owners that wish to increase the social behaviors of their pet dog. An off-leash facility is a great way to satisfy a canine's need to play and socialize freely.

The latest leash laws have made it very difficult for doggy owners to allow their pets to roam around freely in public area like parks and beaches. The legislative response is logical since there are many irresponsible owners that neglect their own animals and don't take responsibility for them. These owners allow their dogs to behave aggressively, bark loudly and approach other people without any restraints.

Doggy parks are usually a controlled environment that is enforced, cleaned, managed and supervised entirely by dog owners. Regulations may vary and are very extensive for the well-being of both the owners and animals but are completely necessary. These environments tries its best to promote responsible pet ownership since owners will have to take responsibility for the actions of their animals for continued admittance into the parks.

Owners that would like to give their pets a place to play freely may benefit from taking their dogs to these types of parks. Allowing dogs to interact with their own kind can turn dogs into obedient social animals. In a neutral territory, fear and aggression can be reduced in dogs to allow them to focus on having fun.

As it is well known within the canine community, home environments can leave dogs feeling very confined with very little room to play. Leashes can also leave dogs feeling restricted which might make them feel territorial. The parks can relieve the animals of all that giving them a place to exercise safely.

Dogs that are highly socialized are happier and healthier creatures. They will be less likely to act destructively since they will become less aggressive. A greater benefits is that a highly exercised dog will be too tired to bark needlessly.

Taking dogs on regular outings can reduce boredom while giving them exercise. However, playing in the park should not replace daily walks. Dogs need to be able to feel connected to their owners as well as to other animals. Daily walks can keep that connection and it has even been suggested that owners walk their dogs before taking their dog to the park.

Dogs are not the only creatures that will benefit from attending a dog park. Owners can easily connect and socialize among each other while using their pets to break the ice. Dog parks provided many benefits but there are rules that must be followed. For a dog to be admitted, it is required that a dog knows how to respond to his owner's commands. This is to ensure that the dog has some training. Dogs must also be vaccinated by their veterinarians so that everyone and every pet's health is not in danger.

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