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Solve Your Dog Behaviour Problems - Take a Quantum Leap In Understanding!

  • 18/05/2014

Does your dog have a behaviour problem that drives you mad? Or upsets you? Or just plain scares you? Do you feel you've tried everything but nothing's worked? Help is at hand - fast, effective help - as long as you're prepared to take a "quantum leap".

The new science of Quantum Physics has proved that everything on this earth is made of energy; that every living thing has its own "frequency", including you and your dog; and that everything can communicate with everything else - it's just a matter of "tuning in" to the right frequency.

This "communication" is, of course, not in spoken words - it is in thoughts, sensations, mental pictures and emotions. We live in a sea of energies - we affect them and they affect us, often without any conscious awareness on our part. But have you ever walked into a room and just known something was wrong, without anyone saying a word? Or do you know someone who just makes you feel "drained", even though they're perfectly pleasant? Or when the phone rings, have you ever known who it was before they spoke?

All these are examples of energies communicating with each other. And you can use this hugely to your advantage in helping your dog feel better, and therefore behave better, in the situations he finds difficult.

I've been where you are - my two rescue terriers Sally and Tilly had, between them, dog-dog aggression, in- car barking, frantic pulling on lead, extreme nervousness, noise phobia and food guarding. I tried a dog behaviourist - no change. Training helped in some areas, and was the reason I qualified as a dog trainer myself. But the underlying emotions behind the behaviour problem didn't really alter - I wanted them to feel better as well as behave better, and the traditional route just wasn't achieving that. So I tried a radical new method....and it worked!

Here's the Quantum Leap....

To really get to the bottom of a deep-seated behaviour problem, whether it's dog behaviour or human behaviour, you need to change the emotions that created it. "E-motion" is short for "energy in motion", and it's by working in the quantum energy field (our dogs' and our own) that we can truly find lasting ways to change emotions and, therefore, behaviour. It's much easier than you'd think, and can produce results light-years faster than training by itself.

This is what I did with Sally and Tilly. And the results came - some fast, some slower but the improvement was steady and sustained. And our relationship became so much closer - and so much fun!

Here's how you start. First, become aware of just how much you and your dog intuitively pick up from each other already. How often do you just "know" when he's not well, or unhappy, without there being any outward signs? How often do you feel he's trying to tell you something, or that he can "almost talk?" Notice how often he seems to know when you're sad or worried, even when you're putting your best brave face on?

When you're ready, just sit quietly with him for a few minutes. Have a notebook and pen handy. Now think of all the wonderful things you love about him. Really focus on why you're glad he's in your life. Then tell him, out loud or just in your mind, how much you want to understand him and help him feel better, and ask him why he does what he does. This must be done with total acceptance and love, not with an attitude of "I'm the human, I'm in charge and I want you to stop this!"

Then write down whatever comes into your head, or whatever you feel. Even if it doesn't make sense, or you feel a complete idiot, bear with it. Your dog will sense that you're really trying to connect with him, and the more often you practice the easier it will get.

If you really feel you're not "getting it", or you know too much to be sure you're hearing your dog and not your own thoughts, you can ask a tuned-in friend to help, or contact a professional animal communicator - you can Google this term, and go with your instincts about who to choose. Or you can go on a course to hone your own skills - it's fun, and can really build your confidence!

Future articles will go more deeply into some more advanced techniques of animal communication and some success stories, as well as how to choose a professional animal communicator. In the meantime, practice, practice - and notice how much deeper your relationship with your dog grows. And as you understand him better, so you can help him more. Good luck and have fun!

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