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Puppy Selection - A Herculean Task?

  • 14/02/2010

You ought to very careful in puppy selection because the pup is going to share many happy years of its life with you. Don't buy your puppy simply on impulse because it may cause heartbreak later on. Before bringing your beloved pup to your home, peep into as many dog shows as possible and also read all about the breed of your preference to analyze your needs and preferences for your dog. Puppy selection solely depends on your need.

Puppy selection can be achieved in animal shelters, recognized breeders, friends or neighbours. You may select any one of these options for your puppy selection.

Animal shelters
Animal shelters always have surplus dogs requiring good homes. Puppy selection may be done in animal shelters. The best shelters interview before letting you take home one of their charges. Because these dogs have had previous homes, be prepared for unexpected behavioral problems. Such dogs may take a while to settle down.

Dog Breeders
Recognized breeders or friends and neighbours are good sources for purebred puppy selection. If you buy from a breeder, ask him to help you with your decision. Once you have identified the Pup, discuss with him regarding the requirements of feeding, grooming, animal's positive and negative aspects, and also last but not least, the details of immunization given to the pups.

A breeder will help you in all aspects of puppy selection. A respectable breeder will answer all of your questions and also love to visit your home to provide you a good idea regarding the pup husbandry. Most of the breeders are more concern with the new dog owners to place their lovable pups in responsible homes.

Friends or Neighbours
Another source of puppy selection is from one-dog owner who wants to sell the puppies from an occasional litter to pay the expenses of his small-scale breeding operation. To find such kennels and part-time breeders and hobbyists, check the classified section of your local newspaper or look in your telephone directory.

You should not buy puppies from pet shops because that a pet shop couldn't possibly stock the proven breed of the dog.

You should clearly keep this point in your mind while puppy selection-- Try to choose one that is not only right for your lifestyle today, but also one that you think will still fit into your daily routine in ten years time. Puppies should stay with the mothers until they are eight weeks old.

The Puppy is active, alert and inquisitive. When it first meets new people it does not cower, but comes forward to investigate, which is a good sign of confidence. Puppies that are overconfident, however, can sometimes develop into dominant adults.

Checking out the parent dogs for ungainly traits like extreme shyness, hyperactive and aggression may fetch you an easier and more pleasant journey with your selected puppy.

The mother of your Pup can give you a nice idea about your Pup's temperament. Watch deeply the behaviour of the pup with its littermates. Bossy puppies always become dominant dogs in future days, but submissive pups will become as insecure adults. The best pup should be from with the temperaments between these extremes.

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