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Paws for Thought: Researching Best Practices for Dog Safety in New Homes

  • 29/04/2024
paws_for_thought.pngPets are best friends, companions, and family members. Their safety and comfort matter just as much as those of any other household member. Therefore, it is crucial that you, as a pet owner, research best practices for dog safety in your new home.

Pet-Proofing Each Room

You can’t forbid your dog from roaming around the house and entering different rooms. It’s essential to pet-proof each room to ensure your little friend is not harmed when wandering from room to room.


Most people keep trash cans in the kitchen, where you keep the fridge, the oven, and other appliances that could harm your pet. Keep your dog out of the kitchen when you cook so they don’t accidentally get hit by hot oil drops. Moreover, you could think about installing a dog gate or securing another area of the house so the pet can not reach the kitchen when out of sight.

Living Room

When moving into a new home with a pet, it is important to carefully curate the living room layout so that your pet doesn’t snack on chairs and couch legs. Your pet could accidentally swallow harmful products when chewing on furniture, causing huge maintenance issues in your home. They could also get stuck in between furniture, knock items over, or break them. Therefore, when designing your new home, ensure that the living room layout is convenient for your pet and they can move freely - and don’t forget to petproof the furniture.


The bathroom floor can be slippery due to puddles of water. Your pet could reach and snack on soap and various cleaning products. Make sure you address both problems in advance. Continuously check for leaks and mop the bathroom floor so your dog doesn’t hurt themselves. Moreover, all cleaning products should be securely locked on high shelves and behind closed doors.


If your pet sleeps in the bedroom, don’t forget to check for self-care products so your dog can not get his paws on them. Lock away lotions, pills, and makeup products. Keep them in locked drawers or high shelves so your pet doesn’t end up snacking on them, damaging your expensive products, and, worse, hurting themselves.

Garage and Outdoors

Pets love to play outside, and it’s essential for their health and mental well-being. Therefore, make sure the outdoors is safe for your dog. You may keep machinery and sharp tools in the garage, but make sure they are out of your dog’s reach. Create a safe space for your dogs in the yard and keep up a high fence so your dog doesn’t accidentally get out of the hazard-free zones.


Our dogs are more than just pets; they are our best friends and family members. Therefore, caring for their security is just as important as our own. When moving to a new home, pet-proof each area of the house to keep your pet safe and comfortable.


Author Bio

Nino Chigoga is a content creator specializing in home improvements, design, and safety at Earnest, with over two years of experience in the property management field.

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