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Nutritional Needs: Making Your Dog Healthy

  • 27/11/2010

Dog food manufacturers spend millions of dollars testing and determining optimum levels of nutrients for dogs in different life phases. Theoretically, you can provide your dog with the same nutrition he gets from commercial dog food, but It's unlikely you will have quite the body of knowledge, research and trial and error behind you that leading companies do. Unless your dog is ill or recuperating, and is off this usual food, it's easiest for you and healthiest for your dog stick with commercial food.

Your dog needs protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals in the right proportions to remain healthy and fit. If, as suggested, you are feeding the right portion of a high-quality kibble, all these things should be present in the correct amounts. Make sure you use the formula that is appropriate for your dog's age and activity level.

Protein is necessary for building and repairing body tissue. Growing puppies, active dogs and pregnant and lactating females need extra. Protein is not stored in the body, so it needs to be replenished every day. Nonworking adult dogs need about 15 percent protein in their diet.

Fats are used for storing energy and also contribute to a shiny coat and healthy skin. Too much fat stored under the skin will make your Dog obese, so monitor fat content carefully.

Carbohydrates provide energy. Sources of carbohydrates include potatoes, pasta, rice and other grains. However, always monitor the amount of carbohydrates because frequent taking it in too large amount will cause obesity..

Vitamins are necessary to aid and regulate bodily functions, including growth and immunity. Vitamin deficiencies can result in a lackluster coat, weight loss, unhealthy skin and vision problems. If you feed a high-quality kibble, it probably includes all the vitamins necessary for your dog's health.

Minerals are also necessary to keep your dog's body functioning correctly and efficiently. A high-quality dry food should contain all necessary minerals in the correct proportions.

Additional Tips To Ensure That Your Dog Is Properly Fed

Though there are many dog owners who impose the free feeding on their dog, it is not an acceptable one. Doing this really might save your time, doing other business spending time of feeding him. The reason is this might have a negative effect on a dog's digestive system. It is normal for them to have longer hours of meal interval. Doing the free feeding will only make their stomach exhausted.

After eating the regular meal for the scheduled time, lay down his next meal. See if he's going to eat it or not. If he keeps ignoring the food, take it away, then provide him again the food for the right next hour. In this way you are training your dog to wait for the meal on the scheduled time.

Always take time in reading the food label when buying commercial foods for the dog. It tells how much amount you should give the food. If your dog seems to get fatter, then you have to give a smaller amount than specified. Note that the information on the label is recommended for general weight of dogs.

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