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How Pet Owners Can Deal With Seizures in Dogs

  • 26/01/2014

Seizures in dogs happen at the most inopportune times. There really is no telling when it can strike your pet. This is why it is important for you to note what the symptoms are so that you can immediately take them to the vet. But you need to be more discerning when it comes to choosing the vet who would look at your dog's concerns.

There are a number of ways to do just that. You can start from your own vet if you already have one whom you regularly go to. That person may be able to treat your dog's condition or refer you to an animal specialist who may be better equipped to study and assess seizures in dogs.

If you still have no regular vet in the meantime but would want to have a really good one, you can also for referrals among your friends and relatives. If you also have colleagues at work whom you know to be pet lovers and dog owners as well, you may want to ask them for suggestions too.

Aside from your own personal networks, you can also try visiting your nearby animal hospital and seek for doctors there. You can start by consulting the information desk to ask around for possible options. You can also try to schedule some preliminary appointments with the recommended doctors so you can meet them and talk to them about your dog's case.

You can also use the internet to seek for possible options within your area. You can try visiting online forums where fellow pet owners and pet lovers converge to talk about pet issues. Most of these forums can be browsed for free and by simply registering your name, you can also start threads of your own.

When you finally get the right doctor to treat your dog, you might want to make some financial preparations for the next steps. It is very likely that a battery of tests would be required. The usual would be getting blood and urine samples to rule out any possibility of having a chemical imbalance which is a likely trigger of seizures in dogs.

Aside from that, you should also prepare to devote some time to caring for your dog. Seizures in dogs would never be completely cured but like any chronic illness, there are ways and means to keep it under control. It would be important to follow the vet's prescriptions strictly to avoid the shaking fits from happening.

Finally, don't forget to orient your family about your dog's condition. All of the family members must be aware of your beloved pet's condition so in case it happens, they too would know what to do. They can also help in making sure that the medications of your dog would be carefully observed.

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