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Homemade Dog Food

  • 05/01/2011

Finding great dog food recipes is like searching for buried treasure. Sometimes it takes a while and some effort to look for them, but when you do - it's worth it! Imagine the happy bark of your dog, the wagging tail and the grateful slobbering at the end of a canine gastronomical delight. So what are some of the things we need to know about in delicious canine recipes?

Well, the first thing you have to take into consideration is the health factor. You need to put in fresh meat and vegetables to make sure he gets his required amount of vitamins and minerals daily. You can also include fruits and grains for added flavor and health benefits. Make sure though that you research on what food substances are detrimental to your dog's health. Food like grapes, baby food, chocolates and caffeine are very bad for him and may cause serious health complications when ingested even in small amounts over a period of time.

You can make tasty or sweet treats for your pet. I know you can't give them chocolates, but how about substituting it with peanut butter instead? Peanut butter is an all-time favorite canine ingredient that you can bet on. Easy savory treats that you can whip up in a few minutes are hotdogs boiled in garlic infused water. Chop it up and hand feed these yummy treats to your dogs.

As much as possible, try to find recipes that are as healthy for your pet. You can find natural dog food recipes in reliable canine sites. When you attempt to make natural dog food, shop only for the best quality ingredients. They may cost a little bit more, but it really makes a big difference in nutritional and taste value.

Remember, even if you are serving him food you made from healthy and natural dog food recipes, you must be careful with the amounts you serve him. Even the healthiest fare have calories that need accounting. You don't want to be surprised at your dog's weight gain and consequential health complications because of a few instances of a lack of judgment, right? Trust me-I know you want to make your dog happy, but you are doing him a bigger favor by keeping his weight down. A heaving, easily fatigued dog climbing up the stairs with you is not the best experience you want to have.

You can save time and money when you make these homemade canine treats. Cook a few batches of the preferred food and keep them stored in the freezer. Thaw them out thoroughly before serving so that your dog's teeth do not suffer from unnecessary pain and soreness.

Creating your dog's favorite meals through great dog food recipes is not only useful- it can be super fun as well! Bring your fellow pet owners over and create fun and yummy treats together. You never know, you might be holding more of these festive "canine food cook downs" for years to come. Enjoy!

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