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Health Benefits of Professional Dog Grooming

  • 02/02/2012

While most dog owners tend to groom their pet for the looks and appearance, there is more to pet grooming than just that. Grooming your pet regularly promotes good health and overall mood of your dog. Even though we think we can handle the grooming of our own pets, sometimes it is better left up to the professionals to get the job done.

One reason you should take your dog to a professional groomer is because spending the money on all the supplies can get costly. Between a proper wash tub, combs and brushes, cleaners, and clippers, the money can add up. In addition to the supplies, you must really have a firm understanding of how to groom a dog by its breed. There are many differences between breeds of dogs and their style of coat, so you must really grasp the way in which your dog must be groomed. It is less hassle to take your dog to a professional.

While a professional groomer does care for the coat of your dog, he also does so much more. For example, a professional groomer knows his supplies and understands when it's time to replace a part or the whole piece. By keeping well maintained supplies, the groomer will avoid any hurt to your dog. Dull clippers can pull at hair instead of cut it, thus leaving a dog with injuries.

If a dog does come in with a scratch or cut, a professional groomer will find that upon inspection of your dog. Because we are not prepared for cuts and abrasions, generally people who groom at home won't have the proper medication or ointment for these cuts. A professional groomer tends to have these on hand to treat a dog.

One of the biggest reasons to take your dog to a professional groomer is because of your dog's nails. Their nails are some of the trickiest parts of a dog to maintain and care for. Dogs don't typically like getting their nails cut because it is an irritation feeling. Often times your dog will struggle with you or try to pull their paw away from you, which can lead to a botched nail trimming. Professional groomers know exactly how to hold a paw and deal with the dog so the trimming comes out accurately and without pain to your dog.

Giving your dog a haircut can be intimidating. There are plenty of dog breeds that have coats that are hard to manage for a dog owner. A professional groomer will know how to treat this hair and cut it effectively. Coats are different for all breeds and a professional is likely to recognise the style of the coat and cut it appropriately.

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