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Grooming Short and Long Haired Dogs

  • 08/01/2012

There are different grooming techniques to use based on a dog's breed. Long hair and short hair dogs need to be groomed a little differently. There are a variety of tools for each type of dog. I will go over both types of dogs, their coats and equipment.

Most short haired dogs need a fine tooth brushing. The best type of brush for short haired dogs is a rubber curry brush. This will fit over your hand giving you a nice range of motion over your dog's coat. This type of brush is also commonly referred to as a hound mitt or glove and is covered with small bristles. Larger pet stores will carry a large selection of curry brushes so that you can find the perfect one for your hand and your dog. In addition to a curry brush you will also need a steel comb with wide and narrow teeth. This comb will help brush through and remove tangles.

Breeds that shed a lot will also need shedding blade, shedding comb, or wire slicker brush. The sharp edges on these tools will remove excess hair from a dog's coat. Never brush too hard with these as it can cause damage to your dog's skin.

Long haired dogs are prone to mats and tangles so in order to avoid these as much as possible it is very important to groom your pup daily. Supplies you will need for this are a pin brush, shedding comb, a wire slicker brush or shedding blade, and a bristle brush. All of these different types of brushes and combs work to lift loose hair out of the coat to make your dog look clean and neat.

On long haired dogs, you should check for mats and tangles behind their ears and necks, where longer hair is bound to grow. Other areas to take note of are the legs, groin area, and tail. Use the shedding comb to remove mats. Remember to work slowly so you don't inadvertently tug at your dog's skin and cause him pain. Start at the end of the mat, working towards the skin. If at all possible, never cut the mat out - doing so can result in more mats in the same area.

Spend a few minutes each day removing debris and tangles from your dog. Never let your dog's coat get so bad that it's causing him distress. A few minutes each day will save you a lot of time in the long run.

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