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Exercising Dogs In An Apartment

  • 27/11/2010

I get a lot of requests from pet owners that live in apartments, concerning exercising their dogs. There are a couple of options available for those who simply cannot walk their dogs.

Often there are several situations that make walking your dog difficult, or sometimes impossible. Some of these situations may include...

  • Lack of time.
  • Living in a high-rise apartment building.
  • An injury such as an injured or fractured leg.
  • The elderly may have difficulty walking their dog.

I have received e-mail asking for advice from people in all of these situations. They are all very concerned about the health effects a lack of exercise is having on their dogs.

A lack of exercise can have devastating effects on both small and large dogs. When a dog remains relatively inactive their bodies respond much the same as people in the same situation. They rapidly become over weight, they may develop diabetes or other health problems.

Like people, over weight dogs put an extra strain on their joints. Lets also not forget the strain on their hearts, which are already weakened by inactivity.

There are two excellent solutions to exercise your dog right in your home or apartment. Both can be easily done by most everyone in any situation.

Treadmill - If you have a treadmill you can, with a little effort, train your dog to walk on it. I did this with one of my dogs when I broke an ankle and couldn't walk. It just takes a bit of patience to get the dog used to it.

Get your dog to stand on the treadmill then switch it on to the slowest setting. The dog will immediately jump off. Get him back on and start again. This will probably go on for several attempts before your dog begins to take a few steps. Eventually your dog will walk on the treadmill for several minutes. You'll soon find that your dog will walk for longer and longer. My dog got to where he loved the treadmill.

A small cat tree - If you have a smaller dog you can give it plenty of exercise with a cat tree. Just a small one with two platforms is all you need.

Place the dogs favorite toy, or maybe a small treat on the top platform, most all dogs will happily jump up to retrieve it. Eventually your dog will learn to jump up and down from the cat tree on command. Of course this only works for small dogs.

Dogs love to play and exercise. Once they are accustomed to these new activities they will enjoy them for hours each day. Your dog will benefit from a healthier, happier life.

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