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Drontal Plus Dog Wormer

  • 18/02/2011

They say that dogs are a man's best friend, but for many of us cats also come up there as our favourite furry friends. Regardless of whether you have a cat or a dog however, it is crucial to treat your little pal as well as possible and to ensure that they have happy and healthy lives. There are many ways to do this, but one of the things you need to stay hottest on is their worming. Using Drontal Plus products it is possible to worm your pets and ensure that they are parasite free. At the same time this will help to protect you and your children from worms which can have a range of bad effects if they get in your mouth or eyes via your fingers and can cause digestion and eating problems as well as even leading to blindness. It's also important to avoid worms in your dog or cat's faeces in order to avoid causing damage to your neighbourhood - if your dog or cat should use someone else's lawn as their toilet spot or if they should go in a local park or playground, then someone else's children playing there could very easily end up getting worms if they should pick up a nearby stick or fall over. You can pick up your dog's manure at least, but with cats you never know where they've been and where they've gone. And even if you do pick up after your dog with a poopascooper or something - that won't guarantee that you've removed all the worms too which are too microscopic to see and can remain on the grass.

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