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Dogs Who Retrieve Appear Smarter

  • 25/08/2013

Imagine having your dog fetch the morning paper, your car keys, and help carry the groceries. If your dog understands the Fetch, Hold, and Give commands you can teach these skills. This mental activity creates a dog eager to learn that in turn appears smarter than other dogs. The following is how you go about teaching your dog:

Before obedience training, you must develop the desire to retrieve. Playing ball with your pup will achieve that first goal. This experience should be playful and fun for the pup. Keep control of your dog by attaching a 30 foot lunge line and throw the ball within that distance. When throwing the ball, enthusiastically shout - fetch. As soon as he reaches the ball and picks it up, vigorously encourage him to return to you. The secret is to run away from your pup so that he has to chase you carrying the ball. In this way he is learning to come to you. It is okay if your dog drops the ball because he will learn how to hold and deliver when you teach basic obedience.

Before your dog can retrieve properly, he must be able to successfully heel, sit, stay, and come. These commands provide you with control and best taught when the pup shows signs of teething at about 4 months. The dog also needs to understand the meaning of fetch, hold, and give. This process can begin being taught at about 6 months.

Once your dog is under some control and the canine teeth have come in, you need to purchase a dumbbell to teach the fetch command. Do not throw at this time. The dog should be sitting quietly by your side when you begin teaching the fetch command. Hold the top of the muzzle with one hand as you place the dumbbell in the mouth while enthusiastically saying fetch. When he drops the dumbbell place it back in the mouth, firmly holding the muzzle closed saying - hold. When you release his muzzle and he drops the dumbbell, issue the command drop - or give. If you do this several times a day for a week, you will be amazed at how fast your dog will learn these words. The goal is to have your dog hold onto the dumbbell while he performs the heel, sit, stay, and come commands.

The next step is to teach your dog how to reach for the dumbbell as you heel. Hold the dumbbell in front of him and as he reaches for it, issue the command -- fetch. You can ultimately put it on the ground and encourage him to pick it up as you heel quickly by. This develops a fast pickup. Also, train your dog to come to you, go to heel position and deliver the dumbbell as you give the command - drop or give.

Some dogs learn faster than others, so do not be discouraged if it takes a bit of time. Repetition and patience are the keys for you to remember. Do not lose your temper when working with your dog. It is very important that you are not overly anxious. You always want to keep your dog as relaxed as possible when working on the fetch, hold and give commands.

There are several different problems you may encounter depending on the personality type. A dog may frequently drop the dumbbell. In this case, tap under the chin while telling your dog to hold. If a dog holds the dumbbell and will not let go when you tell him to give, continue to heel until he finally drops the dumbbell, quickly get the dumbbell and tell him - good drop. Another technique to get your dog to release is to place your fingers on the bottom teeth and gently push to the chest as you say, give, as he drops it.

If you find your dog is mouthy and has a tendency to bite the dumbbell, hold his muzzle with your left hand and with your right hand put the dumbbell in the mouth. Hold the dumbbell, keeping your fingers between his teeth and the bar of the dumbbell saying - easy, hold. It is important to note that when you take the dumbbell, pull gently toward the ground and let your dog release the dumbbell -- avoid playing tug of war. Remember, the calmer the dog the better he will release.

In conclusion, when your dog thoroughly understands the words and actions, you can replace the dumbbell with your favorite objects. Go through the above steps with each object. This is the process to get your dog to fetch the morning paper, your car keys, and help carry the groceries. You will be proud as you congratulate yourself that you created that smart dog - the one that appears so much smarter than other dogs.

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