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Dog's Well-Being Improves With Exercise, and So Will Yours

  • 25/10/2013

Every dog owner knows that his or her animal needs a daily dose of exercise in order to be healthy and calm. By design, dogs have instincts to hunt for their food and lead active lifestyles. Today, many dogs, like humans, lead more sedentary lifestyles. With the need to hunt for food now eliminated, it is essential that dog owners encourage their animals to get exercise. Why not improve and maintain your dog's health while increasing your own personal exercise habits as well?

Physical activity allows a release of energy in an appropriate way for your animal. According to Dr. Susan Nelson, a Kentucky State veterinarian, the release of energy through exercise is beneficial to your dog and can prevent destructive behavior inside your home (1). Exercise can prevent your animal from biting, digging and scratching indoors as well as eliminate frequent barking and whining. Expending energy will increase tiredness at the end of the day, ensuring that you and your dog get proper, peaceful rest.

Do exercises with your dog that you can enjoy, too. Depending on the size and cardiovascular capabilities of your dog, there are various exercises that you can enjoy with your animal. If you have a smaller dog, go for a brisk walk with your dog after dinner. For larger dogs with developed muscles, bring your dog for a short jog around the neighborhood. For a quick exercise session, toss a Frisbee with your furry friend. Exercising with your dog is like having a workout buddy to hold you accountable for a healthier lifestyle and creates a stronger bond between you and your animal.

The busyness of every day life may inhibit the time you have to exercise with your dog, but it is essential to fit it in. Break up exercise time into smaller intervals throughout the day when it is convenient for your schedule.

Freedom and safety for your dog is also essential to its health. Ensure that you have safe and appropriate space for your dog to roam and exercise outdoors. Patch up the yard and have a few dog toys at hand for its enjoyment. Be sure that your dog is properly trained to stay within the limits of your yard, for example with the use of a dog wireless fence.

Make a commitment to the overall health and well-being of your dog by ensuring that it gets daily exercise. In turn, not only will your animal will be more peaceful, well-behaved, and healthy, but you too will reap the benefits from this healthier lifestyle.

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