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Diabetic Dog Food

  • 01/10/2011

Diabetes is not just a human condition; other creatures can suffer from it too, including canines. When your dog suffers from diabetes, you want to make sure they are as healthy and happy as possible and this includes feeding them good diabetic dog food.

The most common form of diabetes in dogs is Diabetes Mellitus. This is caused by a deficiency in the levels of insulin produced by the body. Diabetes Mellitus is divided into two types - Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes is passed down through the canine's bloodline while type 2 diabetes is caused by the canine's lifestyle. If your dog is eating the wrong types of food, is not getting enough exercise and is overweight, it is at risk of developing diabetes.

Unfortunately, diabetes cannot be cured, but there are ways of keeping the condition under control. Quite often, daily injections of insulin are required in order to keep the blood sugar levels where they should be. The diet also plays an important role in controlling a disease like diabetes.

When choosing food for a dog with diabetes, it is vital that you keep the pet's condition in mind. It is best to choose a natural food, and to make sure that the diet contains no unnecessary sugar or carbohydrates.

Remember that in the wild, canines survive on a diet primarily consisting of raw meat, and this is still the best choice for dogs, even after all these millennia of domesticity.

One of the best ways in which to ensure that your dog gets the healthy raw dog food diet that is best for them is to make it yourself. Homemade dog food is a great choice for diabetic as you are then able to control the ingredients, the nutrients, and also the portion sizes.

Commercial dry dog food is not a good choice when it comes to canines with diabetes and they consist of too many carbohydrates (which is a source of blood sugar) and not enough moisture, which is essential to keep the kidneys functioning and healthy.

Due to the fact that animals with diabetes usually have decreased liver and kidney function, using organic ingredients, or buying organically based commercial foods. Foods low in sodium are also a good cocci as they are easier on the liver and kidneys.

You could also opt for foods that are high in fibre. The high fibre content of such foods help make it easier to keep the blood sugar levels where they should be.
About the Author

To learn more about how to give your dog the best food and nutrition possible, see Diabetic Dog Food
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