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Cost of Owning a Dog

  • 04/10/2013

There is a common misconception that the only costs that matter in keeping a dog are related to food, this is not entirely false. It is true that dogs eat a lot in their lifetime but, there are others costs involved. Costs of owning a dog can be grouped into the following:

- Purchase
It is no secret that well bred dogs cost a lot. However, even if you are getting a dog from a rescue organization or shelter there is some little fee you will be charged which still counts.

- Food
Large breeds of dogs will eat more while small breeds only eat small amounts of food. As your dog matures and his nutritional requirements change, he will need a bigger quantity of food to satisfy his appetite.

Some dogs may have special feeding requirements which will cost you more.

- Health
No matter how healthy your dog is he will still need to go for his regular check-up once or twice a year to ensure he remains that way. Dogs also need booster inoculations and worming. That aside, there is the cost of clinical conditions and emergencies that your pet might experience which require veterinary attention.

Selective surgery such as spaying or neutering the dog, removal of the dew claw and other procedures such as dental check up and teeth cleaning will also require money.

- Training
All dogs need some form of training. Some people would much rather train their dog themselves to save on cost, but you will still incur some costs such as buying of training aids, books and equipment to help you train.

If you prefer to go to a training schools, there is a fee for charged which will vary based on how good your trainer is, what kind of training you want your dog to get and how frequently you want the dog to be trained.

- Comfort
Your dog requires some items to ensure he is comfortable and keep him out of trouble. You need to get the dog a crate and/or a good bed, toys to chew and play with, treats that will serve as rewards, a blanket to keep him warm when it's cold especially if he is an outdoor dog.

- Travel
If you decide to travel with your dog, there is the cost of arranging his transport. If you are traveling by air you will require a lot of documentation. You also need to buy the dog a ticket which in some cases might be more expensive than what you paid for your own ticket.

If you want the dog to stay home as you travel you need to pay someone to check on the dog or you leave him at a boarding kennel. Either way, it will cost you.

- Others
Grooming, participation in dog shows or competitions, registering the dog with the appropriate authorities, emergency funds in case your dog runs away, is hit by a car or falls sick suddenly.
Dogs cost a lot and it's more than the bills for food you need to be worried about. Before you rush off into buying, evaluate yourself and see if you can afford to keep a dog.

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