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Citronella Collars Are the Best Tool to Stop a Dog From Barking

  • 19/02/2014

The Citronella Dog Collars are a very humane method to stop your dog from barking. The Citronella collars are very effective because they work based on touch, sight, sound, and smell instead of using the e-collar to stop the barking. The e-collar is based on shocking the dog to stop barking. The Citronella Collar sprays harmless citronella burst into the dogs face when it barks.

A popular Citronella Anti-Bark Dog Collar is the Premier SpraySense. It is a very inexpensive but very popular.

There is also another type of collar that is available instead of it automatically spraying the dog when it barks you can buy a remote system. You will be using the remote to spray the dog when it barks. If you want to look at manual citronella remote collar then I would look at the Remote Trainer citronella device.

If the dog still barks then I would try the e-collar but I would first get a good dog trainer into your home to get advice on how to use it. When working with shock collars you want to use them humanely.

If you don't like the citronella dog collar or the e-bark collar you can try to use treats with the dog. You can buy a treat device that will allow you to automatically dispense treats through out the day. You can also try to use a Kong with peanut butter and dog treats stuffed inside. The positive training it takes a long time for the dogs to get the hang of it. With the citronella Collar and e-bark collars it doesn't take the dog long to figure it isn't suppose to bark.

Some people don't like one method over the other but it really comes down to you and what you are comfortable with. I am OK with using a citronella Collar or an e-bark collar. For the e-bark collars I like the dogtra kind, and I like the premier spray devices for the citronella collars.

If you need refills for the citronella collars you can get them any place like Petco, Pet Supplies Plus or Amazon. I like Amazon because they carry a lot of pet products. When I bought one for my dog it took him couple of days and he hasn't barked when we go to bed and our neighbors are enjoying the quiet. We got noise complaints from our neighbors so that's why I did my research to find the best method to quiet our dog.

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