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Can I Give My Dog Milk or Cheese?

  • 06/01/2011

Dogs should not consume a lot of cheese or other dairy products, but some dairy products in moderation can offer some benefits to dogs. First, cheese has a lot of protein that can be good for your dog. Eggs are also high in protein and other nutrients, and are very good for a dog's skin and coat.

Cheese also offers vitamin A and essential fatty acids and using a small piece of cheese is a great way to mask a pill that you may need to give to your dog. Therefore, cheese offers limited benefits for your dog, but it is not harmful to your dog unless you give it to them in excess because it can cause digestive upsets and even gas.

Cottage cheese and yogurt are actually good for dogs, but again in moderation. Cottage cheese offers protein and can help with diarrhea, but the cottage cheese you offer your dog needs to be low in sodium as well fat because it could easily add some pounds to your dog's waist if you are not careful. Dogs also love cottage cheese, so it makes it easy to give them a small amount. Yogurt that is in the plain form is something else that dogs enjoy and it is has acidophilus in it that provides the same good bacteria to the dog's gut as it does to humans.

If you have given your dog too much cheese it is often determined by the result of the cheese consumption. For instance, if your dog gets diarrhea after you have given him or her cheese, you probably gave them too much. Moreover, overfeeding of cheese may cause excess gas, which means Fido may have flatulence as well as some bloating. Many adult dogs are lactose intolerant, so any amount of cheese may cause them to become bloated or have diarrhea.

Therefore, if your dog suffers the ill effects of giving him or her cheese or any other dairy product, you will need to remove them from their diet completely because it no doubt means they are intolerant of the dairy products. Those dogs that can digest cheese well can have it on an occasional basis, though it should not be a large part of their daily diet because there is too much fat that your dog just does not need.

Finally, while cheese is safe for some dogs, and cottage cheese, eggs, and yogurt are good for dogs in moderation, some dogs are lactose intolerant and therefore, cheese may not be the best solution for them. For dogs that are lactose intolerant, there are cheeses that are lactose-free that you can use as a treat, but do so in limited amounts, or use to disguise a pill that you have been instructed to give your dog.

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